¶ Certaine necessarie Articles set out by the Archbishop of Yorke and his Associates, Commissioners in causes Ecclesiasticall, to be obserued in the Diocesse of Yorke. 1582. Martij. 3.

WHereas not withstandyng the greate plentie of knowledge whiche in these daies of the Gospell it hath pleased God to powre forth among vs in most bountifull maner: yet diuers of the people in many places remaine still in ignoraunce and Superstition, not muche regardyng godly instruction, and withdrawyng them selues more and more from diuine seruice on the Sabboth daies and other Hollidaies by law appoin­ted, vpon euery triefling occasion, whiche rather folowyng their owne phantasie, and seeking their owne pleasures, then studying to serue God according to his lawes. VVe haue thought good on the behalf of the glorie of God, and for the soules health of the people, to haue a spe­ciall regarde to this matter, and by the aucthoritie of the high Commission for causes Ecclesiasticall to vs committed, to prouide that the good and godlie lawes on that behalfe made, bee more diligently put in execution, vppon paine of suche censures, punishmentes, and fines, as by the Queenes Maistes lawes and her highnesse Commission to vs directed are alreadie prouided: and so muche the rather at this present, because of the want of conuenient instruction, and by meanes of so muche absenting themselues from the Church, and the needful exercises of Religiō vsed therein, diuers of them do become in the end wilful recu­santes, and very euill subiectes besides: as diuers examples of late haue giuen sufficient testimonie thereof.

VVe therfore, Edwin by the grace of God, Archbishop of Yorke, Primate of England, and Metropoli­tane, and other our Associates her Maiesties Commissioners for causes Ecclesiasticall within the Pro­uince of Yorke: whose names are vnder written, do in the name of God most instantly require, and by ver­tue of her Maiesties Cōmission afore said, to vs and others directed most straightly, charge and cōmaund that these fewe pointes ensewing, be more diligently obserued of all, as vnto euery one it shall appertaine.

FIrst, That Mini­sters doe their duetie. that all which are of the Ministerie, do not only reade vnto the people distinctly and re­uerently diuine Seruice and Homilies, and (suche as are able and aucthorised) preache vnto them likewise as is appointed, but also that they Catechise the yonger sorte as is prescribed, teaching them both to saie it by harte and to vnderstande the same in reasonable maner: And that in quiet and gentle maner they likewise teach the residue of their Parishe (so many [...] [...] alreadie[?] cannot doe it) the Articles of the faith, the ten Commaundements, and the Lords Praier, both to saie them by harte, and in some good measure also to vnderstād them, and that they doe it in so diligent and faith­ful maner, as becometh & behoueth those which are to giue accompt of the same in the daie of the Lord.

Secondly, That the people keepe Church and Catechisme. that the people themselues together with their children and seruaunts come diligently bothe to Mornyng and Euenyng Praier: and that then and there they giue diligent eare withal reue­rence to the worde of God, and that they haue their seruauntes and children at conuenient tyme in the afternoone at Euening Praier, as is alreadie appointed, to the Catechisme, to be instructed and exami­ned therein: and themselues likewise so oft as thei may conueniently be also there, to heare those things expounded for their owne instruction, that so they maie be more readie to come to the Lords Table so often and accordingly, as by law they are bounde at the least.

Thirdly, That church wardēs take the forfaiture of absentes. that the Church wardens bee not absent themselues neither from Morning nor Euening Praier without speciall cause: and in suche case, that they haue some of their honest neighbors sufficient for the office to supplie their roumes. And that they diligently marke what Housholders or others of their families are absent either from diuine Seruice or Catechisme, or otherwise misbehaue themselues there, that after Seruice together with their Minister they take a note thereof in writing (especially of the cheefest offenders) and after leuy of them by way of distresse the for faiture by Statute appointed (if they haue not lawfull and reasonable cause of their absence) as they are by Statute directed: and that they bestow the same on the poore as accordingly is appointed: And that if any Churchwardens make default herein, the Minister certifie vs thereof in conuenient time, that reformation thereof be not ouer­long delaied.

Fourthly, That church wardens keepe a note thereof. that the Churchwardens shall keepe a continuall accompt of such sommes so receiued and bestowed, and once euery quarter of the yere make by those accomptes to their owne proper Ministers in writing: and that done, laie the same vp in the common Chest vnder safe custodie to be in a readinesse to be shewed to the saied Archbishopp and his saied Associates, or to three of them; so often as they shall thinke good to call for the same, or otherwise to be shewed to such as they shall think good from tyme to tyme to appoint for the better execution thereof and ease of the people, that so the offenders therein may be knowne and punished accordingly.

Lastly, wee exhorte and require all Preachers lawfully aucthorised, that thei doe not onely looke to their owne charge, but also so much as conueniently they can, help to supplie the want which is in their next and nigh neighbours not able by themselues to feed their flock. And we also charge & commaunde the Churchwardens that they suffer none to preache, or serue as Curate, vnlesse they bee allowed and lawfull [...] licensed therevnto by sufficient aucthoritie.

  • Edwyne Eborum.
  • VVilliam Palmer.
  • Mathewe Hutton.
  • Henry VVright.
  • Ro. Lougher.
  • Ry. Percy.

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