By the Queene.
A Proclamation for keeping the Terme at Hertford Castell, and for adiournement of the same, from Mense Michaelis, vntill Crastino Animarum.
WHereas the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, vpon information giuen vnto her Highnesse, of the infection of the Plague, growen and dispersed in her Citie of London, doubting by reason thereof, that if this Terme of Saint Michael should haue bene kept at Westminster, at the ordinary dayes and times appoynted, the same could not haue bene done without the peril of her good and louing subiects, whose preseruation shee doth specially tender, And yet hoping that by the goodnesse of Almightie God, through the colde season of the yeere then approching, and through such good orders as by her Maiesties speciall commaundements were appoynted to be kept & obserued, within the sayd Citie, the said infection of the plague, might either haue bene ceased or much diminished, Did by the aduise of her Counsell, thinke [...] [...]ery meete and expedient, that the said Terme of Saint Michael, that is to say, from the vtas thereof, should be adiourned [...] the fourth returne of the same, called Mense Michaelis, whereof her Maiestie caused notice to be giuen by a Proclamation lately published, bearing date at her Mannor of Otcland, the eighteene day of September last past:
Forasmuch as her Maiestie hath since receyued knowledge by certificate sent from the Cities of London & Westminster, [...] the plague is greatly increased, And therefore doth doubt, that if the sayd Terme should be kept at Westminster all the t [...] about specified, it could not be but daungerous to such her good and louing subiects, as for suites & other causes should [...] their necessary repaire thither: Hath by the aduise of her sayd Counsell, found it very expedient, that it should be adiour [...]d from the said returne, commonly called Mense Michaelis, vntil the returne commonly called Crastino Animarum next en [...] to be kept in some other place of the realme. And hauing for that purpose made an especial choice of her Maiesties castel at Hertford, in her Countie of Hertf. where her Highnesse pleasure is, that the residue of the sayd Terme shalbe kept: Doeth therefore declare & hereby signifie her wil & pleasure, That writtes of Adiournement, shalbe directed to the Iustices of either Bench & to the Iudges of all other her Maiesties Courts, to whom like writtes haue bene vsually directed, giuing them au [...]itie to adiourne the sayd residue of the sayd Terme from Westminster aforsayd, vnto the said Castel of Hertford, There [...] beginne in the said Crastino Animarum next ensuing. And the same Adiournement shall be made at the said retourne called Mense Michaelis. And also that all matters, causes & suites betweene partie & partie, as in her Highnes Courtes of Chaunce [...] Starte Chamber, Exchequer, the Courts of Wardes & Lyueries, the Duchie of Lancaster, and Court Requests, shal [...] continuance, and the parties shall haue day from the date of this present, vntill the said Crastino Animarum, at the said Castel of Hertford. Which her Highnesse doth signifie vnto all her louing subiectes: Willing & commanding them and euery [...] them to whome it doeth appertaine, to obserue and keepe their assemblies and apparances in all and euery her Highnesse Courtes, at the said Castel of Hertford in the saide Crastino Animarum, in like maner, forme and condition, as they woulde, should, or ought to haue done, if the sayd Terme and Courtes had bene holden & kept at Westminster, as they and euery of [...] will answere at their perilles, any thing in her Maiesties said former Proclamation to the contrary notwithstanding.
And further her Maiestie cōsidering that if there should happen to be any accesse & apparance of her louing subiects at the [...] Castle or at y e Towne of Hertford, during the residue of the Terme, of such as haue had the plague in their houses, or haue [...] themselues infected therewith, there might ensue great peril & dammage to those that haue as yet bene cleere thereof, & [...] further inconuenience might grow thereby to the rest of the realme: Her Highnes therfore, for the auoyding thereof, doth [...]ghtly charge & commaunde, That no such person or persons that so haue bene infected, or haue had the plague in their [...]s of what estate or degree soeuer he or they be, shal repaire vnto the said Castle or towne of Hertford, during the residue of the said Terme, except he or they be or shalbe commanded by Proces, or otherwise haue special commandement to be there. And that euery such person neuerthelesse so infected, vpon his repaire to the said Castle or Towne, shall (before he enter into [...] house within the said Towne, or into the said Castle) openly notifie and declare his estate touching his infection, to such person or persons as shalbe appointed by the Lord Chauncelor to haue the charge of the keeping of the gate of the said Castle: And shal after, during the time of his abode there, beare and holde vp in his hand, one white rodde, of the length of one yard, [...] of her Maiesties displeasure, and imprisonment of their bodies during her Highnesse pleasure.
And further her Maiestie straightly chargeth and cōmandeth all Iustices of peace of the said Countie of Hertford, dwelling within twelue myles of the sayd Towne and Castle of Hertford, and all Constables, Bailifes, & head Officers of any Boroughs, Townes, villages, or Hamlets, within eyght miles of the sayd Castle & Towne of Hertford, that they and cuery them shall from & after the day of the proclayming of this Proclamation within the said Countie, doe their best indeuours to make & set forth such good orders, as by the goodnesse of God) may tend most to the preseruation of all places within the [...] Circuit of eight miles, from infection of the plague. And for that purpose, to assemble thēselues together weekely, from the time of the proclayming of this Proclamation, vntil the ende of the residue of the sayd Terme, in some places conuenient, as well for the deuising, as for the execution of such good orders. And that the said Iustices of peace, shal in the first day of the [...]g in the residue of the said Terme, signifie & declare to y e Lord Chauncelor of England, al that they & the said Constables, [...] other the said Officers shal then haue done, in and about the premisses. And shal also from time to time follow such directions, as they shal receiue from the Lord Chauncelor, tending to the preseruation of the places within the circuite aboue specified, from the said infection of the plague: Not doubting but that as well the sayd Iustices, as other the inferior officers, [...] carefully discharge their duetie in that behalfe, as they tender the continuance of her Maiesties fauour, and wil answere for the contrary at their perils.
Giuen at her Maiesties Castel of Windsore, the eight day of October, in the foure and twentieth yere of her Maiesties raygne.
God saue the Queene.
¶ Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.