An Abstract of a direction, concerning Reall Contracts.
WHosoeuer shall desire to purchase or put to Sale, to take in Lease, or let to Farme, to Grant, Assigne, Exchange, or otherwise to Contract, or Deale, with or for any Lands, Leases, Rents, Annuities, Mansion-houses, Offices saleable, or other Estates of what yeerely value soeuer, or to saue any such from danger of Forfeiture, through the want of present mony: May eyther in their owne names, or in the name of any other trusted by them, haue secure meanes with all Priuacy requisite; for the speedy effecting what shall be desired, in any the Cases aforesayd, or the like:
At the Porcht-house against St. Andrewes Church in Holborne, LONDON.
God saue our gra [...]ious [...]