By the Queene

WHereas the Queenes Maiestie, our most gracious soueraygne Lady, by reason of the plague & pestilence as well in the citie of London, as in the citie of Westminster, did lately by her High­nes Proclamation adiorne part of the Terme of Sainct Michael: That is to say, from the vtas thereof vntill Mensis Michaelis, then to haue begunne at the sayd citie of Westminster, as at the place accustomed. Her Maiestie had very great hope that the sayd sickennes, by the fauour of almightie God, and by the coldnes of the yeere, & other occasions by that time woulde haue cea [...]. Neuertheles her Highnes being credibly informed, that the sayd sicknes increaseth within the sayd cities of Lon­don & Westminster, is therefore minded for the better preseruation of her good subiects of all degrees, that shoulde re­ [...]re to London & Westminster by reason of the Terme, to adiorne the sayd Terme from Mensis Michaelis aforesayd, [...]till the returne of the same Terme, commonly called Crastino Martini next cōming, then to beginne at Westminster, as hath bene accustomed. Which her Maiestie signifieth to all & singular her louing subiects of this her Realme, To the intent that they & euery of them, which hath cause or commandement to appeare in any of her Highnes Courts at Westminster, on or at any day or tyme, from and after the sayd Mensis Michaelis, may tary at their dwellings, or where their busines otherwise shall lye, without resorting to any the said Courts for that cause, before the sayd Crastino Mar­ [...] next comming. And that without daunger of forfeyture, penaltie, or contempt to incurre towardes her Highnes [...] that behalfe.

And neuertheles her Maiesties pleasure is, that two of her Iustices, that is to saye, of eyther Benche one, shall the [...] Mensis Michaelis, according to the auncient order, adiorne her sayde two Courtes at Westminster: At which day, [...]ictes of adiornement shalbe directed to the sayd Iustices to adiorne the same, in & from the sayde Mensis Michaelis, [...]till the sayd Crastino Martini, as before is sayd. And her Maiesties pleasure is, that all matters, causes & sutes, de­pending in any of her other Courts Wards betwene partie & partie, As in her Highnes Courts of Chauncery, Starre Cham­ [...]r Exchequior, Courts of Wards & Liueries, & Duchie of Lancaster, shal haue continuance, & the parties shal haue day from the date of these presents, vntill the sayd Crastino Martini, as before is sayd.

Prouided alwayes, & her Maiesties pleasure & commandement is, that all Collectors, Receauers, Sheriffs, & other accomptants, & all other persons that ought or should accompt or paye any summe or summes of money, in any of her Maiesties Court of Exchequior, Courts of Wardes & Liueries, or of her Duchie of Lancaster, or any of them, Or that should enter into any accompt in any of the sayd Courts, shall at their dayes appoynted repayre vnto the accustomed p [...]es at Westminster, where her Highnes hath appointed such Officers & ministers, as for that purpose her Maiestie [...]th thought expedient, And there to pay & do in euery behalfe, as though no such Proclamation of adiornement had [...] had or made, Any thing mentioned in this Proclamation, or in any Writte of adiornement to the contrary notwithstanding. And her Highnes further pleasure & commandement is, that all Sheriffes shal returne their writtes & Processe against all such accomptants and debtors, at the dayes therein appoynted. And if any person or persons, [...] ought to accompt or pay any summe or summes of money to her Maiestie, in any the said Courtes & places afore­ [...] do make default therein, That then her Highnes writtes and processe shalbe awarded, & sent forth against euery [...]ch person & persons, & the same to be duly and orderly serued & returned, by the Sheriffes & Officers thereunto ap­poynted in such like maner and forme as the same should haue bene, if this present Proclamation had not bene made. And if any Sheriffe or other Officer shall make defaulte, or be negligent in seruing, executing or returning any the sayd writtes & processe aforesayd, That then euery such Sheriffe & other Officer, shal incurre such paynes & penalties as by the sayd Courtes, or any of them shalbe taxed & assessed: Willing and commanding all and euery her Maiesties Sheriffes, Officers, ministers and subiects, to whome it doeth or shall appertayne, to obserue & keepe their assemblies and appearances, with all their returnes and certificates in her Highnes sayd Courtes at Westminster, in the sayde Crastino Martini next comming, then there with the fauor of God to be holden & kept, and there to doe their offices and dutyes in euery behalfe, in like maner & forme, as they should or ought to haue done, if this present Proclamation had not bene had or made, As they will answere to the contrary at their perils.

God saue the Queene.

Imprinted at London by Christopher Barkar, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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