❧ By the Queene.

WHereas of late yeeres, there hath ben an intermission of the free traffike of Marchants, betwixt the kingdomes and countreys of the Queenes Maiestie of England, and the king of Portugall, by reason of certaine stayes and arrests made of diuers subiects on both partes, with their goods and shyps, to the hynderaunce and discommoditie of both the sayd Realmes and kyngdomes, without any intention of either of the sayd Princes to breake or violate the auncient amities and con [...]ederati­ons continuing in force betwixt them, or to discontinue the sayd traffike: but that, as it appeareth, the same arrestes haue ben first occasioned by persons regarding more their priuate gaine, then the continuaunce of such an auncient amitie, nourished and maintayned by the mutual com­merce of the subiects on eyther part. So it is, that both their Maiesties good meanings towardes the continuance of their mutuall amitie, and restoring of the sayd traffike, being made knowen from the one to the other by such their good ministers as haue beene herein vsed: Therefore it is in their names accorded, that all maner subiects of both the sayd Princes, of what kingdome or Countrey so euer they be, from the xv. day of this present moneth of Nouember, shall and may from the sayde time vse the like mutuall traffike for Marchandizes, and in the same places: that is to say, her Ma­iesties subiects, in the kingdomes of Portugall and Algarbia, and in the Iles of Medera and Azore: and likewise the subiects of the kyng of Portugal, in England and Ireland, as they were lawfully accustomed before the said arrestes. And for that it is meant, that all occasions of controuersies and differences, that haue happened betwixt the subiects of either part, since the time of the sayd arrests, should be heard and determined: It is ordeyned, that this restitution of the traffike, shall remayne from the said xv day of Nouember, during the space of three yeeres next ensuing, to the intent that diuers Commissioners (to be appointed by the said Princes withithin three moneths after the sayde xv day of this Nouember) may speedily heare, order, and determine, such differences: And that at the end of the sayd three yeeres, yf by the sayd Princes in the meane time it be not otherwise prouided for continuaunce of the sayd traffike to haue a perpetuall continuaunce, no new arrestes shalbe made of any things brought into the kingdomes and Iles aforesayd, of eyther of the sayd princes, during the time of the sayd three yeeres. Wherefore the Queenes Maiestie hath thought it necessary, like as it is agreed, that they sayd king of Portugall shall do the like, to notifie to all her subiects the pre­misses, to thintent they may (as they shall finde meet and conuenient) resort to the kingdomes and Ilandes aforesayd of the sayd king, and there vse the lawfull and free traffike of Marchaundizes, as before the last restraynt was lawfully by them vsed: Charging them to geue none occasion of of­fence to the said king or his subiects, but to behaue themselues in such sort, as thamitie betwixt the sayd Princes, and traffike betwixt their subiects may continue, to the honor and comfort of the Prin­ces and the mutuall concord and benefite of their people. The like whereof, it is accorded shall bee performed on the said kings part, for him and his subiects, resorting into any of her Maiesties domi­nions: to whom also shalbe shewed like fauor for maintenance of their said traffike, as in times past before the arrest hath ben. And for more full & ample declaration of both their Maiesties good in­tens, for the preseruation of the sayd amitie and friendship betweene them, and their sayd Realmes and subiects: it is ordered and agreed on both parts, that neither of their said Maiesties shall receiue any Pirate or Rouer, into any of the Portes or Creekes of either of their Realmes, Dominions, and Countreys, which may, and shall haue committed any piracie or robberie vpon eyther of their Sub­iectes, nor shall shew any fauour, giue any ayde or succour, or suffer any to be geuen directly or indi­rectly to the sayde Rouers or Pirates. And moreouer, that neither of theyr sayde Maiesties shall, duryng the time of the sayde amitie and friendshippe, in either of their kyngdomes, or any place of their Dominions, fauour, entertaine, receiue, or reteyne, nor suffer to be fauoured, enterteyned, re­ceyued, or reteyned, by any of their subiects, any Rebels, Traytours, or Fugitiues, subiects to either of their sayd Maiesties, nor geue any ayde, fauour, or assistance, or suffer to bee geuen, to any such [Page] [...]is, Traytours, or Fugitiues. Her Maiestie therefore chargeth, and straightly commaundeth, [...] no such Rouer or Pirate, hauing committed any spoyle or outrage vpon any of the sayd Kings [...]cts, be hereafter receyued or suffered within any of her Maiesties Ports or Creekes: neither [...] of the sayd Princes Rebels, Traytours, or Fugitiues (being published, or otherwise notified to [...] such be receyued, fauoured, or maynteyned within any of her Maiesties Dominions, vpon payne of her Maiesties high displeasure, and as they will aunswere to it at their vttermost perils. And for [...] it may fall out, by reason of the publication of this present accord here within her Maiesties Dominions, that some of her Maiesties subiects may happen to traffike into the kyngs sayd king­domes, and for want of not vnderstanding this present conclusion and agreement, by the said kings [...]ster, be arrested there: it is also accorded, that vpon notice geuen vnto the sayd king, the shippes is arrested after the sayd xv. day of this Nouember, shalbe immediatly released, without any fur­ther processe of lawe, vpon bare notice and intimation of the same. And for better assurance of her Maiesties said subiects in their quiet and free trafike, it is promised by the kings Ambassadour here, but he will giue letters of notification of the sayde conclusion to the king his maister, vnto all such marchants and subiects as shall require the same, for their better safety. Whereof her Maiestie thought it necessary to make this offer of assurance promised by the sayde Ambassador in the name of the king his maister, to be knowen vnto her sayde subiects, to thende they may be better assured how to deale, and what meanes they haue to vse for their safety, in case any such arrest should hap­pen, vntill like publication be made within the sayd Kings Realmes and Dominions, as is here pu­blished on her Maiesties part.

God saue the Queene.

Imprinted at London by Richard Iugge, Printer to the Queenes Maiesty.

Cum priuilegio Regia Maiestatis.

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