❧ By the Queene.

THe Queenes Maiestie vpon consyderations very great, and presently importyng the mayntenaunce of her people in peace with her neyghbours, and the conseruation at home of great multitudes to be in redynesse, as naturally they are bound to serue the state of their natiue countrey, aswell in the necessary trades of marchaundise, by sea faryng and fyshing, as in all other seruices vpon the seas, both with her owne nauie, and the rest of the nauie of her Realme, for defence of her kingdomes, coun­treyes, and good subiectes: doth most strayghtly charge and commaunde, vppon payne of her high indignation and extreme punyshment, that no person of any man­ner of estate, shal from hencefoorth eyther arme, victuel, or otherwyse prepare with any kynde of furniture, any shyppe or vessel to passe to the seas, but only for manyfest vse of marchaundise, or fyshing, or for vsual passage of persons departyng lefully ouer the seas in places accustomed, neyther that any Maryner, sea farying man, or souldier, or any person vnder colour thereof, do goe, or prepare hymselfe to goe out of the Realme, to serue in any shippe or vessel of warre, belongyng eyther to any of her Maiesties dominions, or to any other prince, state, towne, or countrey forraigne, except in suche of her Maiesties owne shyppes, as already are, or shalbe vpon the seas, or suche other as haue, or shall haue authoritie from her Maiestie, testified by her owne warraunt, or by testimonie of the Lorde Admirall of Englande in wrytyng. And to the intent that this her commaundement may be duely kept her Maiestie hath wylled and charged the sayd Lorde Admiral, to geue speciall commande­ment to al his Viceadmirals, & so her Maiestie doth charge al other, enioying lefully any perticuler iurisdicti­on admiral in any Port or Creekes of her Realme, and all head officers of any Portes Corporate, and lykewyse all officers of her custome houses, that haue to deale with viewing and searching of any shippes and vesselles employed for marchaundise, that euery one of these wyll from tyme to tyme carefully and earnestly see to their vtter most, that no pretext or colour be vsed, in armyng, or victuellying, or goyng to the seas with any furniture, but only playnely and directly for trade of marchaundise and fishing, except it shalbe directly for her Maiesties owne Nauie, or for seruices vpon the seas by the syght of her speciall warraunt, or otherwyse duely testifted by the Lorde Admirall of Englande. And as her Maiestie meaneth moste sharpely to punishe the offenders agaynst this ordinaunce: so will she not fayle, but make an example of punyshment of any officers that eyther wylfully or negligently shal suffer this her commaundement to be violated or deluded.

God saue the Queene.

❧ Imprinted at London by Richarde Iugge, Printer to the Queenes Maistie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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