By the Queene.
A Proclamation for the restitution of thentercourse betwixt the kingdomes, countreys, and subiectes of the Queenes maiestie and the king of Spayne.
WHere of late yeeres there hath ben an intermission of the late auncient entercourse of merchantes betwixt the Kyngdomes & Countreys of the Queenes Maiestie of Englande, and of the Kyng of Spayne, by reason of certayne stayes, & arrestes made of diuers subiectes on both partes, with their goodes and shippes, without any intention of eyther the sayde Princes to breake or violate the auncient amities & confederations continuyng in force betwixte them, or to discontinue the sayde entercourse: but that as it appeareth the same arrestes hath ben occasioned by persons not vnderstandyng the benefite, or not wyllyng to fauour the necessarie continuaunce of such an auncient amitie, nouryshed and maynteyned by the free entercourse of the subiectes on eyther part. So it is, that both their Maiesties good meanynges towardes the continuaunce of their mutual amitie, and the restoryng of the sayde entercourse, beyng made knowen from the one to the other, by such their good ministers as haue ben herein vsed: Therefore it is in their names accorded, that all maner the subiectes of both the sayde Princes, of what kyngdome or countrey so euer the same be, from the begynnyng of the first of Maye nowe instant, shall and may haue and enioy the same ryghtes and liberties, as they had in any of the dominions of eyther of the sayde Princes: and that they may from the sayde tyme vse the lyke mutuall entercourse for merchandizes, as they were lawfully accustomed before the sayde arrestes. And for that it is meant that all occasions of controuersies or differences that hath happened betwixt the subiectes on eyther part synce the tyme of the sayde arrestes shoulde be hearde and determined: it is ordeyned that this restitution of the entercourse, shall remayne from the sayde first day of Maye, duryng the space of two yeeres, to the intent that Commissioners to be appoynted by the sayde Princes within two monethes after the sayde first of Maye, may speedyly heare, order, and determine suche differences: Which yf they shoulde not be able to do, yet at the ende of the sayde two yeeres, yf by the sayde Princes in the meane tyme it be not otherwise prouided for continuaunce of the sayde entercourse, no new arrestes should be made of any thynges brought into the countreys of eyther of the sayd Princes duryng the tyme of the sayde two yeeres, but that all thynges shall remayne to the owners, without any disturbance to be vsed within the Realme, or caryed out of the same, at any tyme within three monethes after the ende of the two yeeres.
Wherefore the Queenes Maiestie hath thought it necessarie, lyke as it is agreed that the sayde Kyng of Spayne shal do the lyke, to notifie to all her subiectes the premisses, to thintent they may, as they shal fynde meete and conuenient, resort to the countreys of the sayde Kyng, and there vse the lawfull entercourse of merchandize, as before the late restraynt was lawfully by them vsed: Chargyng them to geue no occasion of offence to the sayde Kyng, or his Countreys, but to behaue them selues in such sorte, as the amitie betwixt the sayde Princes, and the entercourse betwixt their subiectes, may continue to the honour and comfort of the Princes, and to the mutuall concorde and benefite of their people. The lyke wherof it is accorded shalbe perfourmed on the sayde Kynges part for hym selfe, and his subiectes resortyng into any of her Maiesties dominions, to whom also shalbe shewed lyke fauour, for maynteynaunce of their entercourse and trafficque, as in tyme past before the arrest hath ben.
Yeuen at her Maiesties manour of Grenewich the last day of Apryll. 1573. in the fyfteenth yeere of her hyghnes raigne.
God saue the Queene.
¶ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde, by Richarde Iugge, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie.
Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.