¶ To all and euery the Queenes Maiesties Offi­cers, Churchwardens, Sidemen, Swornemen, and others, hauyng any gouernment or ouersight for the time being, of or in any Churche, Chappell, or Parishe, within the Prouince of Caun­terburie.

WHERE the Queenes Maiestie, be­ing very carefull for the good gouern­ment of her Realme & Dominions, in al godly & holsome religion agreea­ble to the word of God, and beyng ve­rye desirous to haue both her lawes and orders well and faithfully obser­ued, and her louyng subiectes reposed in godly quiet, concord, & vnitie, and specially in matters of religion: We vndernamed of her Maiesties cōmissi­on Ecclesiasticall, with other our associates, as our duetie is, adui­sedly consydering her good zeale worthy to take place, to the honor of God, and the godly quiet of her subiectes, haue thought good to signifie thus much, and also to charge you & euery of you whom it may concerne. And therefore we wil and require you, and in the Queenes Maiesties name straightly charge & commaunde you, & euery of you, that in no wyse ye suffer any Parson or Minister to minister any sacrament, or say any publique prayers in any your Churches, Chappels, or other place appointed for Common pray­ers, in any other order, maner, or sort, then onlye accordyng to the prescription of the booke of Common prayers, and the Queenes Maiesties lawes published in that behalfe. And that in no wise ye suffer anye person publiquelie or priuatelye to teache, reade, or preache, in any the sayde Churches, Parishes, Chappels, Priuate houses, or other places, vnlesse such be licenced to preache, reade, or teache, by the Queenes highnesse aucthoritie, the Archbyshop of Caunterburie his licence, or by the licence of the Byshop of y e Dio­cesse: and that he be such a Minister as is licenced to preache after the fyrst of May last, and not remoued from the Ministerie by vs, or anye other lawfull aucthoritie: And that you haue a diligent care in the accomplishment of this her highnesse seruice and plea­sure by vs thus to you declared, as you and euery of you wyll aun­swere to the contrary.

  • Matthewe Cantuar.
  • Edwinus London.
  • Robart VVinton.
  • Richarde Ely.
  • Nicolas VVigorn.
  • Richarde Cicestren.
  • Gabriell Goodman.
  • Thomas VVilson.
  • Thomas Bromley.
  • George Bromley.
  • Peter Osborne.
  • Thomas Yale.
  • Richarde VVendesley.
  • Iohn Mershe.
With other assistens.

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