By the Queene.
THe Queenes Maiestie beyng infourmed, that where the last yere in the moneth of August, by her speciall proclamation geuen at Otelande, her Maiestie directed sundry good orders to her Portes, for the remouyng and expellyng of all Pirates out of the narowe Seas vpon the coastes of her Realmes, wherupon it folowed that sundry euyl persons hauyng ben apprehended in her Portes, by meanes of the sayde Proclamation, haue ben (as it is notorious) of late tyme executed as Pirates, so as though no manyfest Pirates are knowen at this present to resort to any her Maiesties Portes, yet it is supposed that by the fraude and greedinesse of some negligent officers in some smal Portes or Creekes of the Realme, certayne goodes & Marchandize are secretly brought into the sayd Portes (as it is sayde) from some Shippes of warre of other countreys, beyng vpon the hygh Seas, and out of the daunger of her Maiesties Castles or Bulwarkes to be stayed, and are thought to be there taken by the sayde Shippes of warre by force of armes from Marchauntes passyng through the narow Seas: a matter much mislyked by her Maiestie. For remedie wherof, her Maiestie doth eftsones most straytly charge & cōmaunde al maner persons, to haue a more earnest regarde to the obseruation of all thinges contayned in the foresayde Proclamation, vpon the seueral paynes therin contayned: and that y e same Proclamation be in euery Port of her Realme newly published & obserued.
And therunto this her Maiestie presently addeth, that yf any officer in any Port or Creeke, shall haue any knowlege or information geuen of any person, that directly or indirectly shall bye, or any wyse attayne to any maner goodes or Marchaundize brought in, otherwyse then ordinaryly and publiquely by Marchauntes Shippes, as lawfully tradyng Marchaundize: that the sayde officers for not apprehendyng the offenders, and for not withstandyng such fraudes, shalbe both depriued of their offices, and committed to prison without bayle, yf their offices be of her Maiesties gyft. And yf they haue continuaunce of their offices or iurisdictions by graunt of corporation, the whole liberties of the corporation for such misuses shalbe seased into her Maiesties handes, and be extinguished. And whosoeuer shall geue any true information to her Maiesties priuie Counsell agaynst any such officers so offendyng, the same shalbe duely and largely rewarded to his comfort and satisfaction, and to the encouragyng of others to detect such offences and fraudes.
Gyuen at Hampton Court the sixt day of Iune. 1570. in the twelfth yere of her Maiesties raigne.God saue the Queene.
❧Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie. Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.