❧ By the Queene.
THe Queenes most excellent Maiestie consyderyng that the great & horrible conspiracies, treasons, and rebellions lately practised, attempted, and with open action prosecuted in the north partes of her byghnesses Realme by the Earles of Northumberlande and West. merlande, and others their confederates, contrary to the commaundement of Almightie God, and their dueties of allegeaunce to their naturall and most vndoubted Soueraigne Ladie and Queene, and to the great disturbyng of the common quiet and peace of this Realme of Englande, their natiue countrey, be by the great goodnesse of Almightie God, her Maiesties great prouidence, and the faythfull seruice of her true and loyall subiectes, discouered, frustrated, and vtterly suppressed. And vnderstandyng by her ryght trustie and ryght welbeloued cosin the Earle of Sussex, her Maiesties liefetenaunt generall of those north partes, that sundrye of the meaner sort of such as did forceably and rebelliously assist the sayd rebellious Earles in their trayterous attemptes, haue by the marshall lawe suffred paynes of death accordyng to their iust desertes, and to the terrour and example of others and that great numbers of her Maiesties common people that were lyke offenders in that rebellion, do earnestly repent, and be greeuously sory for their heynous offences past, and do bewayle and lament their vnhappy and miserable estate, and be fully perswaded and earnestly bent to be from hencefoorth faythfull, loyall, and dutifull subiectes to her Maiestie, if it myght please her highnesse of her royall clemencie to graunt to them their liues and her gratious pardon for their offences past, and to receaue them to her grace, in such sort as may best please her Maiestie, for the whiche they wyll acknowledge them selues bounde to her Maiestie, as her true and naturall subiectes, and as persons that haue receaued their liues and beinges from her highnesse as the minister of Almightie God, for the whiche they be bounde by double bande to serue her Maiestie faythfully and truely duryng the continuaunce of their liues to come, & to spende in her seruice that which from her clemencie they haue receaued. Like as when her Maiestie loketh vpon their greeuous offences and detestable actions practised and executed in this rebellion agaynst her Maiestie, hauyng neuer geuen to them or any other of her subiectes (as is well knowen) any occasion to neglect their dueties in such sort as they haue done, she is by their vnnaturall dealynges moued to thinke euery of them vnworthy to receaue any drop of her mercie and grace: So her most excellent Maiestie neuerthelesse laying apart that rigour wherunto they haue iustly prouoked her, and folowyng that naturall inclination that she hath euer ben disposed vnto in shewyng of mercie, and hopyng therewith vpon report made to her highnesse, that the common sort of her subiectes lately in this rebellion, do in deede see howe wickedly they haue ben seduced, and do knowe and repent from the bottome of their heartes their offences towardes God and her Maiestie, and wyll from hencefoorth be faythfull and true subiectes to her Maiestie: doth by this her Maiesties Proclamation, graunt and geue her free pardon of lyfe to all and euery such of her subiectes within the Counties of Porke, Durisme, Northumberlande, Cumberlande, and Westmerland, who neither hath at this present, nor heretofore hath had any landes, tenementes, or hereditamentes of any estate of inheritaunce, and that they, and euery of them, as aboue is sayde, shall remayne and continue without any arrest, vexation, or disturbaunce to be done by any of her Maiesties officers and ministers, or any other person to their bodyes or goodes, so that euery such subiect do repaire to the sayde Earle of Sussex her Maiesties liefetenaunt, and other her highnesses Commissioners appoynted for those causes, within fourtie dayes next after the publication hereof, and do submit him selfe to all such orders and directions as by the sayde Commissioners shalbe appoynted. Whereupon euery such subiect shall receaue a note in writyng vnder the handes of the sayde liefetenaunt, and other the sayde Commissioners, or three of them, testifiyng his submission, which shalbe a sufficient warraunt to the Lorde keper of the great seale of Englande for passyng of his pardon vnder the great seale, without any further speciall byll or warraunt to be obtayned for the same from her Maiestie, so as he do sue out the same within three monethes after the date of the same note.
Prouided alwayes. that this her Maiesties pardon do not extende to any person nowe out of the Realme, or in prison, or committed to the custodie of any person, or deliuered vpon baile, promise, or other to appeare at any day or tyme: nor to any person that hath had (as aboue is sayde) any landes, tenementes, or hereditamentes, of any estate of inheritaunce.
Gyuen at our honour of Hampton Courte the xviii. day of Februarie, in the yere of our Lorde God. 1569. and in the twelfth yere of our raigne.God saue the Queene.
❧ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richarde Jugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.
Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.