¶ By the Queene.
WHereas the Queenes Maiestie our Soueraigne Lady by reason of the plague and pestilence in the Citie of London, dyd lately by her proclamation adiourne part of the Tearme of S. Michael, that is to say, from the vtas thereof vnto Crastino animarum, then to haue begun at the citie of Westminster, as at the place accustomed: Her Maiestie had very great hope that the sayd sicknesse through the fauour of Almightie God, and by the colonesse of the yere, and other occasions by that time would haue ceassed, neuerthelesse her highnesse is crediblie enformed that the sayd sicknesse yet continueth within her saide citie of London, for the which her Maiestie is right hartily sory. Her highnesse is therefore forced aswell for the preseruation of her other good subiects of all degrees, that should repayre to London by reason of the tearme, as also for many other great considerations to adiourne the rest of the said tearme. That is to say, from Crastino animarum aforesaid, vntill the Octabis of S. Hillarie next comming, then to begin at Westminster as hath ben accustomed. Which her Maiestie signifieth to all and singuler her louing subiects of this her Realme, to thintent that they and euery of them which hath cause or commandement to appeare in any of her highnesse Courtes at Westminster, in or at any day or tyme from and after the sayde Crastino animarum, may tary at their dwellinges, or where their businesse otherwise shall lye, without resorting to any of the sayde Courtes for that cause, before the Octabis of S. Hillarie next comming, and that without daunger of forfayture, penaltie, or contempt to incurre towards her highnesse in that behalfe. And neuerthelesse her Maiesties pleasure is, that two of her Iustices, that is to say, of eyther benche one, shal the sayde Crastino animarum according to the auncient order, adiourne her sayde two Courtes at Westminster, at which day writtes of adiournement shalbe directed to the sayd Iustices, to adiourne the same in and from the sayd Crastino animarum, vntyl the Octabis of S. Hillarie as before is sayd. And her Maiesties pleasure is, that all matters, causes, and suites, depending in any of her other Courtes between partie and partie, as in her highnes Courtes of Chancerie, Starre chaumber, and Exchequer, Courts of Wardes and Liueries, and Duchie of Lancaster, shall haue continuaunce, and the parties shall haue day from the date of these presents, vntyll the Octabis of S. Hillarie as before is sayd.
Prouided alwayes, and her Maiesties pleasure and commaundement is, that all Collectours, Receauers, Sheriffes, and other accomptantes, and all other persons that ought or shoulde accompt or pay any some or sommes of money in any of her Maiesties Courte of Exchequer, Courtes of Wardes and Liueries or of her Duchie of Lancaster, or in any of them, or that should enter into any accompt in any of the same Courtes, shall at their dayes appointed repayre vnto the accustomed places at Westminster, where her hyghnes hath appointed such officers and ministers as for that purpose her Maiestie hath thought expedient: and there to pay and do in euery behalfe, as though no such Proclamation of adiournement had ben had or made: Any thing mentioned in this present Proclamation, or in any writ of adiournement to the contrary notwithstanding.
And her highnesse further pleasure and commandement is, that all Shiriffes shall returne their writtes and processe against all such accomptauntes and detters at the dayes therein appointed: and if any person or persons, who ought to accompt or pay any somme or sommes of money to her Maiestie in any the Courts and places aforesayd, do make default therin: that then her highnesse writtes and processe shalbe awarded and sent forth against euery such person and persons, and the same be duely and orderly serued, and returned by the Shiriffes and officers therevnto appoynted, in suche lyke maner and fourme, as the same should haue ben, if this present Proclamation had not ben made. And if any Shiriffe or other officer shall make default, or be negligent in seruing, executing, and returning of any the writtes and processe aforesayd, that then euery such Shiriffe and other officer, shall incurre such paines and penalties, as by the sayde Courtes, or any of them shalbe taxed and assessed. Wyllyng and commanding all and euery of her Maiesties Shiriffes, officers, and ministers, and subiects, to whom it doth or shall appertaine, to obserue and kepe their assemblies and apparaunces, with all their returnes and certificates in her highnesse sayd Courtes at Westminster in the Octabis of S. Hillarie next comming, then and there with the fauour of God to be holden and kept, and their to do their offices and duties in euery behalfe, in lyke maner and fourme, as they should or ought to haue done if this present Proclamation had not ben had or made, as they will answere to the contrary at their perils.
Geuen at her Maiesties Castel of Windsor the xxiii. day of October, in the eleuenth yeere of her Maiesties raigne.God saue the Queene.
¶ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde, by Richard Iugge, and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.
Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.