❧ By the Queene.
FOrasmuch as the Queenes Maiestie our Soueraigne Lady is crediblie enfourmed, that the infection of the plague is at this present in sundry places in and about the citie of London, and in other places neare adioyning to the same, whereas by the continuaunce therof through the greater repaire and resort of her louyng Subiectes, great peryll and daunger myght not only ensue vnto her most royal person, but also vnto her most louyng Subiectes repayring thither for their suites and causes, and thereby also geue occasion of dispersing of the same in other parts of the Realme: Her Maiestie for the sayd necessary considerations, and hoping that the same wil by the goodnes of Almighty God, with the coldnesse of the yere, and such wholsome orders as are taken in her sayde Citie, the rather sease by the adiorment of part of this next Terme of Sa [...]nt Michael now at hande, from the vtas of the same, vntyll after the feast of all Saints next commyng. Her Maiestie therefore of her especiall fauour and clemencie, is pleased and contented, to adiourne the sayde Tearme of S. Michael: That is to say, from the vtas thereof, vnto Crastino Animarum next commyng, which her Maiestie signifieth to all and singuler her louing Subiectes of this her Realme, to the intent that they and euery of them which hath cause or commaundement to appeare in any of her highnesse courtes at Westminster, in or at any day or tyme from & after the sayd vtas of S. Michael, may tary at their dwellynges, or where their businesse otherwise shall lye, without resorting to any of the sayde courtes for that cause before Crastino Animarum next commyng, and that without daunger of forfayture, penaltie, or contempt to incurre towardes her highnesse in that behalfe. And neuerthelesse her Maiesties pleasure is, that two of her Iustices, that is to say of either Benche one, shall the first day of Michaelmas Tearme called Octabis Michaelis, according to the auncient order of her lawes, kepe the Essoynes of the sayde Octabis Michaelis, at which vtas of S. Michael, writtes of adiorment shalbe directed to the said Iustices, geuing them authoritie to adiourne the sayd Tearme of S. Michael, that is to say, from the vtas therof, vntyll Crastino Animarum as before is sayd, and the same adiorment shalbe made in the first day of the sayd vtas, commonly called the day of the Essoynes. And further her Maiesties pleasure is, that all matters, causes, and suites dependyng in any of her other Courts betweene partie and partie, as in her highnesse courtes of Chauncery, Starre chaumber, and Exchequer, Courtes of wardes and liueries, and Duchie of Lancaster, shall haue continuance, and the parties shall haue day from the date of these presentes, vnto Crastino Animarum as before is sayd.
Prouided alway, and her Maiesties pleasure and commaundement is, that all Collectours, Receauers, Sheriffes, and other accomptauntes, and all other persons that ought or shoulde accompt or paye any summe, or summes of money, in any of her Maiesties Court of Exchequer, courtes of Wardes and liueries, or of her Duchie of Lancaster, or in any of them, or to enter into any accompt in any of the same Courtes, shall repayre vnto the accustomed places at Westminster, where her highnesse hath appoynted such Officers and Ministers as for that purpose her Maiestie hath thought expedient, and their to pay and do in euery behalfe, as though no such Proclamation of adiornement had been had or made, any thing mentioned in this present Proclamation, or in any writ of adiorment to the contrary notwithstanding: Wyllyng and commanding all and euery of her Maiesties Officers, Ministers, and Subiectes, to whom it doth or shall appertayne, to obserue and kepe their assemblies and apparaunces, with al their returnes and certificates in her highnesse sayde courtes at Westminster in Crastino Animarum next commyng, then and there to be holden and kept, and there to doe their offices and dueties in euery behalfe, in like manner and fourme as they shoulde or ought to haue done yf this present Proclamation had not ben had or made, as they wyll answere to the contrary at their perils.
Geuen at her Maiesties Castel of Windsor the 28. day of September, in the eleuenth yere of her Maiesties raigne.God saue the Queene.
❧ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyard, by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.