❧ By the Queene.
WHeras diuers bookes made or translated by certayne the Queenes Maiesties subiectes, for the more part remayning on the other syde of the sea, without lawfull licence, contayning sundry matters repugnaunt to trueth, derogatorie to the soueraigne estate of her Maiestie, and stirring and nourishing sedition in this Realme, are commonly in secrete sort here dispearsed by malicious persons among sundry her Maiesties subiectes, to thintent to drawe them to errour, and withdrawe them sediciously from their dueties and allegiance due to her Maiestie, as their onlye soueraigne. For redresse hereof, lyke as of late tyme some mylde example hath ben made in the starre chaumber at Westminster, in correction of certayne persons founde faultie in the secrete dispearsing, buying, and allowing of sundry of the sayde seditious bookes: So her Maiestie meaning of her clemencie neither to haue any aduauntage taken for thinges herein alredy past, nor any her honest and quiet subiectes to be entangled with the lyke hereafter for lacke of admonition in due tyme: wylleth and earnestlye chargeth all maner of persons, to forbeare vtterly from the vse or dealing with any such seditious bookes, made or translated by any person, contayning matter derogatorie to the soueraigne estate of her Maiestie, or impugning the orders and rites established by lawe for Christian religion and deuine seruice within this Realme, or otherwyse styrring and nourishing matter tending to sedition: and that such as alredy haue any of the sayde bookes, shall present, or cause to be presented the sayde bookes, within twentie and eyght dayes after the publishing of this proclamation, to the byshop of the diocesse, or ordinarie of the place, and to receaue of hym a testimoniall of the tyme of the deliuerie thereof: and without expresse licence in wryting of the sayde byshop or ordinarie, or some archbyshop, or other byshop of the Realme, not to kepe or reade any seditious bookes, vpon payne of her Maiesties greeuous indignation, and to be punished seuerely, as the qualitie and circumstaunces of the offence shall require and deserue.
Gyuen at her Maiesties pallaice of Westminster, the first day of March. 1568. the eleuenth yere of her Maiesties raigne.God saue the Queene.
❧ Imprinted at London in Powles Churcheyarde by Richarde Jugge and John Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.
Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.