¶ By the Queene.
A Proclamation for maintenaunce of Tillage.

THE Queenes Maiestie our Soueraigne Lady, callyng to her most gracious remembraunce, the good and profitable lawes and statutes made and set foorth in the tyme of her noble progenitours for the main­tenaunce of houses and tenements of husbandry, and for the increase of Tillage, and for the mayntenaunce of hospitalitie in diuers of the late priories and monasteries, and agaynst the lettyng downe of townes, and the decay of houses of husbandry, and also against the conuertyng of earable grounde from Tillage into pasture, as by the said lawes and statutes more at large doth and may appeare: And forasmuch as her Maiestie is geuen to vnderstand, that notwithstandyng the saide good and profitable statutes & lawes, diuers and sundry of her subiects in many shires of this realme, vpon a greedy and couetous minde, not hauing regarde to obey the saide lawes, haue and do dayly decay Townes and houses of husban­drye, and inclose their groundes, and conuert the same from tyllage into pasture, and kepe not such hos­pitalitie as by the saide lawes they ought to do, to the great displeasure of almightie God, the prouoca­tion of idlenesse, and destruction of her Maiesties people, whereby her realme is in some part weakened, and more is like, if speedy reformation be not had therein. The perill that may ensue many wayes ther­by, her highnes entendeth to foresee, and to let the partyes offendyng therein to vnderstande, that her Maiestie mindeth to haue speciall regarde therevnto. And yet doth neuerthelesse in the meane season by these presents straightly charge and commande them, and euery of them that haue offended in the any of the premisses, that they do foorth with refourme all such things, as they and euery of them haue done or suffered contrary to the said lawes and statutes, wherein yf her Maiestie shall perceaue they do neglect her commandement therin, her highnesse intendeth foorthwith, and with all seueritie to pro­ceed against such offenders, and to see reformation of their offences, according to the expresse wordes and true meaning of her Maiesties lawes, without any further tolleration or remission. And for the better vnderstanding of all such offendours, her highnesse pleasure is, that all her Iustices of assise, and Iustices of the peace, within the limittes of their Commissions, shall make diligent inquiry of the of­fences aforesayde, from tyme to tyme in all their assises and sessions: and shall further make speciall report to her highnesse, what they shall fynde of any such offendours in the premisses, or any part thereof.

God saue the Queene.

¶ Imprinted at London in Powles Church­yarde, by Richard Iugge, and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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