❧ By the Queene.
WHereas the Queenes most Excellent Maiestie by her hyghnesse Proclamation, geuen at her Manour of Hauering the xiii. of Iuly last for diuers considerations in the same expressed, was pleased to shorten the day before limited for the reading of the Lottery erected within her citie of London, and by the sayde Proclamation appoynted the reading therof to begin the third of this present moneth of Nouember, thinking the sayd Proclamation to haue ben a sufficient warning and knowledge geuen to all such her Maiesties subiects as had trust committed to them, in sundry Shires of the Realm, for collection of the summes of money to be aduentured in the sayde Lottery, for to haue returned the bookes sent to them for that purpose in time conuenient, before the third of this moneth. Neuerthelesse, the negligence of diuers hauing charge in the same seruice, hath ben such, as vntill this time they haue forborne to make due returne of the whole bookes, so as the sayde beginning of the reading of the sayde Lottery, can not without preiudice of many of her Highnesse subiects aduenturers therin, presently proceede. Wherefore her Maiestie meaning to haue the sayd reading neither to be taken in hand to the preiudice of a great number of her subiects, neither yet to bee hereafter lenger prolonged then may seeme reasonable: willeth all maner of persons, by this her highnesse Proclamation to vnderstand, that the sayde reading shall begynne the tenth of Ianuary next ensuing, and for no respect to be further prolonged. And straightly chargeth and commaundeth all and euery her louing subiects whatsoeuer, hauing charge or trust of any bookes, or otherwise touching the same committed to them, to returne the sayd seuerall bookes before the last day of this moneth of Nouember: so as the other ministers hauing herein to doe, may betwixt the sayd day and the sayd tenth of Ianuary (which time also is requisite to be had for the preparation of all thyngs thereunto necessary) without all excuse, take order and prepare themselues to the due execution hereof. Whereunto her Maiestie straightly chargeth and commaundeth all her sayde officers, ministers, and subiects, hauyng to doe therein, to haue speciall regard, as they and euery of them will aunswere to their negligence at their perils.
Yeuen at our Honour of Hampton Court, the second day of Nouember, the tenth yeere of our Raigne.
God saue the Queene.