¶ By the Queene.

THe Queenes Maiestie being of late time infourmed by the Ambassadour here resident for her good brother the kyng of Spayne, that sundry euyll disposed & rebellious people inhabitauntes within the sayd kynges lowe countries had come into this her Realme, and from thence were secretly returned into the sayde lowe countreis, where they dyd commit many robberyes, spoyles, and murders: herevpon both for the inquisition of the trueth hereof, and to prouide remedy therin, did geue speciall charge to her officers of all her Portes frontyng vpon the saide lowe countreis, to enquire whether any kynde of people that myght be suspected of such crymes, or of the intentions to commit the same, had so resorted into her Realme, whom to apprehende (if they coulde be founde) they shoulde vse all diligence, and to foresee that none herafter in whom any such suspition coulde be noted, shoulde be either receaued into her Portes, or be licenced to returne with any furniture for mayntenaunce of their rebellion or other lyke cryme. Whervpon although her Maiestie had no aduertisement from any officers of her Portes of any such default to haue ben com­mitted, although many other persons of the sayde lowe countrey of late tyme were arriued, partly in their accustomed maner for trade of Marchaundize, partly to enioy in this Realme a quietnesse of their cōsciences in the seruice of god, which they preferred afore al worldly respectes of their natiue countreis, possessions, or friendes, a matter very lamentable: Yet her Maiestie being agayne required by the sayde Ambassadour to cause the foresaide orders to be more generally and effectually directed to all maner her Portes, for that it had ben newly infourmed to him that in some places for lacke of diligent regarde, there were diuers that dyd purpose secretely to imbarke them selues towardes the lowe countreis with armour and such like, to the intent to rebell agaynst the sayde kyng, & to commit other horrible crymes: Her Maiestie meanyng in no wyse to permit any such kynde of euyll disposed people to haue either ac­cesse or succour in any part of her dominions, straightly willeth and chargeth all and euery her officers and ministers, of what qualitie soeuer the same be, hauing office or charge in any her Portes or Creekes, as they wyll aunswere at their vttermost perils, that they suffer none of the sayde kynges subiectes, in whom may be founde any apparaunt suspition of rebellion agaynst the sayde kyng, or of the commit­tyng or intention to commit any murder or robbery, to lande in any place of her dominions: but that the same persons so to be suspected may be stayed, and his or their state and condition duely enquired of. And if it shall any wise appeare, that he or they may be duely suspected: that the same shalbe either stayed or repelled, and not suffered to abyde or haue any succour within her Maiesties dominion. And like wise that no subiectes of the sayde kyng, nor any other person of the Queenes Maiesties dominion, beyng armed or otherwise furnished to serue lyke a man of warre, be suffered to depart out of the Realme towardes the sayde lowe countreis, without certayne proofe and knowledge that the same pre­paration & furniture is meant to serue for the defence of any shippes of Marchaundize tradyng to any place for Marchaundize only, or for the apprehention of Pirates, as the case may necessaryly require. And if any to the contrary shall attempt the same, then to stay them in safetie to be foorth commyng, and to aduertise her Maiestie or her counsayle attendyng vpon her person, of the qualities of the sayde persons and their furniture, so as punishment and remedy may be spedyly geuen accordyng to the qualitie of the offence, and to such treaties as for the like cases haue ben prouided betwixt both their Maiesties progenitours and predecessours.

GOD saue the Queene.

¶ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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