¶ By the Queene.

WHereas in the Chart of the Lotterie lately erected, amongst other things deuised for the aduantage of the aduenturers, there was a limitation of three moneths, within the compasse whereof, who so aduentured money into the said Lotterie, should be par­takers of diuerse profits and aduantages more then others that should aduenture their money after the said three moneths ended.

Forasmuch as in sundrie parts of the Realme, the principall persons that were ap­pointed to bee the Treasurers for the money that should bee gathered in the seuerall shires of the Realme, had not receiued their instructions and charge in such due time as was requisite, by reason that vpon the first nommation of them, there were after sundrie alterations of some by reason of sicknesse, of others by reason they were dead about the time of their nomination, and of some others, that after ward were so otherwise occupied in publique offices, as the said seruice could not be by them executed, so as of the said space of three moneths, there passed ouer a good part, to the detriment of the aduenturers. Her Maiestie being duely aduertised of the premisses, to the end that in the affaire of the said Lotterie, aduanced by her Maiestie for the good of the common weale, all her louing subiects should be intreated with an indifferencie of dealing, and participate alike of the aduantages expressed in the said Chart, without any preiudice of time passed away from them without their fault or occasion: is pleased, that the aduantage of the said three moneths now expired, shall be enlarged and proroged to all maner of persons, that haue or shall aduenture their money into the said Lotterie, for three monethes longer, to haue course and coutinuance for the space of foure score and ten dayes accompting xxx. dayes to the moneth, to begin within euery shire their accompt exclusiuely, from the xxiiii. of December last past.

So as whosoeuer within the said three moneths of prorogation, shall aduenture, or at any time before haue ad­uentured their money into the said Lotterie, shall haue and enioye all maner, and as ample aduantages and com­modities, as by vertue and tenour of the said Chart, they should haue enioyed if they had aduentured their money into the said Lotterie within the space of the three moneths mentioned in the said Chart.

And where as through the fault of Printing of the Chart, there hath bene ministred occasion of certaine doubts and faults found in the said Chart, among the which one is in the third Article of the conditions set foorth in the [...]d Chart, in the first lyne of the same Article, in these words (to the number of thirtie Lots and vpward) it was and is ment, and is now explaned, for the benefite of the aduenturers, that those words shalbe amended and redde thus to the number of xxx. Lots or vpward.) And where also through liste fault, in the fourth and next Article of the said Conditions, in the beginning of the said Article be conteined these words (whosoeuer shall gaine the best, second and third great prices) The meaning and intent thereof for the like benefite of the aduenturers was and is to haue the vnderstanding and reading of the said words thus (whosoeuer shall gaine the best, second or thirde great prices So as in both those Articles this worde (and) is to be changed into this word (or.)

And where as also some haue mooued a scruple and doubt, that forasmuch as no mention is made in the saide Chart incase of death of any of the aduenturers, before the time of the reading of the said Lotterie, that the commo­dity of the prices and other aduantages rehearsed in the said Chart, that should happen to the aduenturers at the time of the reading of the said Lotterie, shall remaine to the heires, executors or assignes of the said aduenturers. For the explaning thereof, it is to be vnderstand, and the meaning thereof was alwayes: That euery aduentu­ter may make such assignation by Testament, deed or otherwise, of the commodity that may fall vnto him by the good fortune of the said Lotterie, as he may or might otherwise do and dispose of any other goods. And that such as shall haue the said assignation, their executours or assignes, bringing with them the Counterbill, being deliue­red by the Collector to the aduenturer or aduenturers (the reading of the Lotterie being finished, or else at the time appointed in the said Chart) shall receiue all such prices and aduantages as the aduenturer himselfe should haue, if he were liuing.

Finally, if any other scruple, suspition, doubt, fault, or mistyking may happen to be found (as euery thing for the satisfaction of euery person, cannot be so exactly set forth in writing, but some doubts may chance to enter into the conceipts of men, and specially of those that be inclined to suspitions.) her Maiestie for a full and generall sa­tisfaction of all such and all other aduenturers in this Lotterie giueth to vnderstand, that the same resorting to the Creasurers of the Shires, Cities or good Townes, shall receiue at their hands such resolution and answere, to all and singuler their said doubts, scruples and demands, as shalbe to their reasonable contentation and satis­faction.

¶ God saue the Queene.

Imprinted at London by Henrie Bynneman, dwelling in Knight rider street, at the signe of the Mermaide. anno 1567. Ianuarii 3.

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