¶ By the Queene,
THe Queenes Maiestie vnderstandyng the great disorder that of late hath ben, and yet is dayly vsed in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, and especially in and about Westminster hall, and the palaice of Westminster, by dyuers lyght and euyll disposed persons, who in great rowtes and companyes haue assembled them selues together, agaynst such as be infourmers vpon penall lawes and Statutes, commonly called promoters. And so beyng assembled, haue not onlye beaten, and very euyll intreated diuers of the same infourmers: but also haue made great outcryes agaynst the same persons, wherby the Courtes and places of Iustice in Westminster hall, and other places thereaboutes, haue ben muche disquieted and troubled, and the Queenes Maiesties peace broken, whereof great mischiefe and inconuenience myght lykely growe, yf speedy remedy be not therin prouided. Wherefore her Maiestie doth strayghtly charge & commaunde all persons, that they, nor any of them, do hereafter commit or do, or consent, or procure to be committed or done, any such disorder or misbehauiour, by any act, deede, or wordes, openly or secretely, agaynst any such infourmers, or agaynst any other person or persons, in any the places aforesayd, or in any other place within this Realme, vpon payne to suffer imprysonment of theyr bodyes by the space of three monethes, without bayle or maynpryse, and also to haue such further open punyshment for theyr offences, by whyppyng, standyng vpon the pyllory, or otherwyse, as by her Maiesties Counsell of her hyghnesse Court of Starre chamber, shalbe iudged and ordered. And further, her Maiesties pleasure & expresse commaundement is, that diligent inquirie shalbe made of such, as haue ben offendours in any the premisses, to thintent that due and condigne punyshment and correction may be to them ministred, accordyng to theyr offences. And that all Iustices, officers, and ministers, shall in all places where suche offences shall happen hereafter to be committed, cause the offendours, theyr procurours, and abbettours, to be apprehended and taken, and presently to be committed to some pryson, there to remayne in safe kepyng, vntyll they may be brought before her Maiesties sayde Counsell in the Starre chamber, there to be ordered to such punyshment, as by the saide Counsell shalbe thought conuenient.
Yeuen at her Maiesties Pallace of Westminster, the tenth day of Nouember. 5166. in the eyght yere of her Maiesties raigne.
GOD saue the Queene.