By the Queene.

THE Queenes Maiestie geueth all maner her subiectes to vnderstande, that of late at Bruges in Flaunders, the Commissioners sufficiently aucthorised on the part of her Maiestie, and of the Kyng of Spayne her good brother, haue suspended, proroged, and continued the treatie lately had there for the matters of Entercours of marchaundize, vn­tyll her Maiestie and the sayde Kyng, or eyther of them, shall by theyr letters declare to the other, that the prorogation of the sayde treatie, shall ceasse and take ende. Duryng whiche tyme, and vntyll the sayd declaration shalbe made, as afore is sayde, by eyther of the Prynces. it is also accorded by the sayd Commissioners, that nothing shalbe chaunged concernyng the agreementes for thentercours made heretofore betwixt her Maiestie, and the Duchesse of Parma [...] of the lowe Countreyes, the .xviii. of December, the yere of our Lorde God. 1564. but that the same shall remayne sure and fyrme, and in that state wherin hytherto the same hath ben. And that the subiectes of both sides shalbe honestly, frendly, and fauourably treated. And that it be pro­uided to haue the Seas kept free from Pyrates. And yf any thyng shalbe attempted, contrary to the agreementes, the same shalbe forthwith remedyed, accordyng to the lawes and thentercours. And yf both the Princes or any one of them, shall declare theyr pleasure to haue the prorogation of the treatie to ceasse: In that case it shalbe lawfull for the Subiectes of eyther Prince, duryng the space of fortie dayes next folowing the knowledge of the said declaration geuen to the other Prince, to depart freely with theyr goodes, wares, and marchaundizes, & to dispose of them at their willes. All which agreementes were also ordred by the saide Commissioners to be notified and proclaymed in the Cities of London and Andwarpe the .xx. of Iuly. For perfourmaunce whereof, her Maie­stie geueth al her Subiectes to vnderstande the contentes of the premisses, to the intent that the en­tercours and traffike of marchaundize may be continued betwixt her Maiesties dominions, and the lowe Countreyes of the sayde kyng of Spayne her good brother, and both theyr subiectes, as hy­therto they haue. Whiche her Maiestie wylleth to be obserued, vntyll her Maiestie and the sayde kyng or eyther of them, accordyng to the agreementes aforesaid, shall declare their pleasures in any thyng to the contrary.

GOD saue the Queene.

¶ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde, by Rycharde Iugge, and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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