By the Queene.

THE Queenes Maiestie is infourmed from the Maior of her Citie of London, that certayne Shyppes of the North partes, are arryued in the Ryuer of Thames, laden with Salmons and Herrynges, brought from Scotlande and other forayne partes of the North, which are according to the custome of those countreys, barrelled in caske and vessels, not so great in quantitie as barrels vsed for such fyshe in this Realme of Englande: And that yerely here tofore the lyke hath ben brought and solde here, to the benefite of the buyers, at pry­ses reasonable, accordyng to the true contentes of the barrelles, and without the empechement of any person. And yet because the owners of the same Salmons and Herrynges (doubtyng that some aduantage might be taken by the lawes of the Realme, to sease the same fyshe as forfayted, for want of the ordinary quantitie of the bar­relles refuse to vnshyppe and put the same to sale.

Therefore, for the quietyng of them, and as reason is, to comfort such as do bryng seasonable victuall [...] any port of the Realme: Her Maiestie hath ordered, and by these presentes commaundeth, that the said Maior of the sayde Citie of London, shall cause the sayde vesselles now brought, or hereafter to be brought, to be gaged and tryed, accordyng to the auncient custome of the sayde Citie. And the fyshe beyng founde seasonable, to cause the barrelles and vesselles to be marked so apparently and notoryously, that all maner of persons desyryng to buye the same, may well knowe what the contentes be of the same vesselles, and vowe much they dyffer from others. And her Maiestie commaundeth, that the lyke be done from tyme to t me in all other portes of the Realme, whersoeuer any lyke vesselles shalbe brought, presently, or at any tyme hereafter, with lyke fyshe, so as no maner of person maye be deceyued by the buyng thereof, for lacke of the true knowledge of the contentes of the same. And her Maiestie also commaundeth, and strayghtly chargeth all maner persons, to forbeare from molestyng of any straunger, or other person bryngyng the same Salmon or H [...]rryng, or any lyke, in such barrelles, differyng in quantitie from the barrelles of Englande, so as the same be duely gaged, and therupon notorious marnes set vpon the same, before they shalbe put to sale, wherby their true contentes may be knowen, & the pryces made thereafter ratably. Which orders and commaundementes her Maiestie strayghtly chargeth and commaundeth all maner of persons to kepe and obey, as they wyll aun­sw [...]re to the contrary, at theyr peryls.

GOD saue the Queene.

¶ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde, by Rycharde Iugge and Iohn Cawood: Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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