¶By the Queene.

THe Queenes Maiestie hauyng not long since geuen her louyng subiectes knowledge by Proclamation, of certayne forrayne Coynes of golde brought into this Realme, of muche lesse value then Angels of golde of this Realme, and yet stamped so like to the same Angels, as it was harde without diligent markynge therof, to decerne the one from the other: Is newely infourmed, that an other sort of forrayne Coyne of golde, of great quantitie, is lykewyse brought of late tyme into the Realme, beyng stamped lyke the Royalles of golde of .x.s. and yet beyng much lesse in value both in weight and fynenesse, wherby many of her good subiectes receauyng the same, are dayly deceaued and dammaged. And for that purpose, her Maiestie hath thought very meete to warne al her subiectes to take di­ligent heede and regarde to these maner of notable deceiptes, entended by euyll dis­posed persons, in vtteraunce of the sayde forrayne Coynes.

And for remedy herein, Her Maiestie strayghtly chargeth and commaundeth all maner of persons, that haue or shall haue any coynes of golde or syluer, being made or fourmed in lykenesse to the Angell or Royall of golde of this Realme, or lyke to any other peece of coyne of golde or siluer, allowed to be currant money in this Realme, & shal of their owne knowledge, or by admonition of any other, vnderstand the same coynes, not to be lawfull currant monies of this Realme, in no wyse to vtter any of the same to any person in the name of any monyes, but only to sell or chaunge them at the mynt, or otherwise vse them as Bullion, accordyng to theyr weight and finenesse, vppon payne that whosoeuer shall do to the contrary, shalbe attached, and commytted to pryson, there to remayne without baile or maynepryse, vntill her Maiesties expresse pleasure in that case shalbe certaynely knowen. And shal further suffer that, which shalbe due to persons committyng such offences, ten­dyng to the derogation of the dignitie of this Crowne, and to the manifest deceipt and colourable robbery of her highnes people.

And because it may manifestly appeare to the sight of her subiectes, howe to a­uoide the deceiptes alredy discouered, in the vtteraunce of the foresaide coynes: Her Maiestie hath ordered, that there shalbe prynted and publysshed herewith, the true pryntes and stampes, of the Angels and Royals being the currant monies of this Realme, and also the stampes of the forrayne monyes aboue mentioned, whiche do in part resemble her Maiesties sayd monyes, and in part do in dede differ from the same, although without regard therto had, either by weight or sight, they may seme all one, and not different.

And for that it may be, that mo like attemptes wilbe inuented hereafter, to deuise other coynes, to resemble the rest of the coynes of golde or siluer beyng currant in this Realme, therby to deceyue her people: Her Maiestie wylleth, that al her She­riffes in all Counties for the tyme beyng, and all [...], and head officers, of [Page] Townes Corporate, and Baliffes of liberties, whensoeuer they or any of them, shal perceyue that this abuse shall hereafter be reuiued in the vttrance of these coynes, or that any newe attempte shall appeare, for any lyke deceypt to be used to the pre­iudice of other currant moneys of this Realme: They shal cause this her proclama­tion without further commaundement, to be newely proclaymed, and set vp in tyme and place accustomed, addyng to the ende of this proclamation, an admoni­tion to the people, to beware of such other straunge monyes by name, as shall not be allowable to be currant within this Realme. And shal further vse al good mea­nes, to trye and search out the offenders agaynst the meanyng hereof, and without delay, shall commyt the same to straight pryson, accordyng to the intent of this pre­sent proclamation.

God saue the Queene.

¶Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde, by Rycharde Iugge and Iohn Cawood: Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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