❧ By the Queene.
THe Queenes Maiestie geueth all maner her Subiects to vnderstand, that where of late it hath ben agreed at Brugis in Flaunders, in a treatie for matters of Entercourse of Marchaundize, by Commissioners on the part of her Maiestie, and of the king of Spaine, her good brother, that the sayde treatie, for diuers necessary considerations, should be suspended and prorogued from the xxix. of September last, vntill the xv. of March next following, and then to be renewed againe: whereby it is also ordered, that both her Maiestie, and the sayd king, her good brother, should cause the same suspention and prorogation, to be published at London, and at Andwarpe, the xx. of this moneth of October. For that consyderation, her Maiestie doth presently notifie, declare, and publish, to all her Subiects, and to the Subiects belonging to the said king, that they, and euery of them, may vse and continue the maner of their entercourse and trafficke of Marchaundize, betwixt her Maiesties dominions, and the countreys of the sayd king of Spaine, in like sort and maner as heretofore they haue done, vntill such time as further order shall be taken by both their Maiesties.
Yeuen at her Maiesties Pallayce of Westminster, the xvi. day of October. 1565. In the seuenth yere of her Maiesties raigne.
God saue the Queene.