By the Queene.

THE Queenes Maiestie geueth all maner her Subiectes to vnderstande, that where of late it hath ben agreed at Brugis in Flaunders, in a treatie for mat­ters of Entercourse of Marchaundize, by Commissioners on the part of her Maiestie, and of the kyng of Spayne, her good brother, that the sayde treatie, for diuers necessary considerations, shoulde be suspended and prorogued from the .xxix. of September last, vntyll the .xv. of March next folowyng, and then to be renewed agayne: whereby it is also ordered, that both her Maiestie, and the sayde kyng, her good brother, shoulde cause the same suspention and proro­gation, to be publyshed at London, and at Andwarpe, the .xx. of this moneth of October. For that consideration, her Maiestie doth presently notifie, declare, and publyshe, to all her Subiectes, and to the Subiectes belongyng to the sayde kyng, that they, and euery of them, may vse and continue the maner of theyr entercourse and traffike of Marchaundize, betwixt her Maiesties dominions, and the Countryes of the sayde Kyng of Spayne, in lyke sort and maner as heretofore they haue done, vn­tyll such tyme as further order shalbe taken by both theyr Maiesties.

God saue the Queene.

¶Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde, by Rycharde Iugge and Iohn Cawood: Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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