❧ By the Quene.

THE QVENES moste excellent Maiestie, beyng infourmed, that there is presently growyng and encreasyng in certaine euyll disposed persons, in and nere the citye of London, such an inordinate boldnes, as they hauing knowledge of Processe sent forth out of sundry Courtes of Recorde, to attache them by their bodyes, to answer vnto Iustice: doe not only arme themselues priuely to withstande in forcible maner, the officers hauynge charge to execute the same Processe: but doe also make assaultes and open frayes vpon the sayd officers, bothe to the manyfest contempte of publyke aucthoritie and to the danger of the liues of the sayd officers. Whervpon her maiestie hauing it broughte also to her remembrance, in what sort the Noble kyng her maiesties father, kyng Henry the eight, vpon the like disorder growen about the xxix. yere of his reigne, did prouide speedy remedy by a verye streight proclamation, vnder great and mortall paynes to the offendors therin. Whervpon also manyfest quietnes did ensew, to the execution of all the like processe by Seriants, Bailiffes, and such other ministers.

For these considerations, her maiestie hauing also regard to maintein her authoritie geuen her by almigh­ty God, ouer al maner of persons within her dominions, and to preserue due reuerence to her lawes and to the ministers therof, straightly chargeth and commaundeth all maner of persons, of what condition so­euer they be within any of her dominions, quietly & peaceably to obey and yeld themselues, to the Arrestes [...] attachments of al Maiors, Sheriffes, bailiffes, seriantes, & other ministers, without refusall, rescues, or resistance, vpon payn that aswell the principall offendors, as their ayders, mainteyners, and procurers in any such rescues or resistance, shalbe committed to prison, there to remaine close without any maner of ly­bertie. And to be furder seuerally chastised and punished for the same contempt (besides the punishmente due for the cause, whervpon the attachment was awarded) as shalbe expressely deuised, limitted, & appoin­ted by her maiesties own speciall direction, with thaduise of her Counsell. And in the meane season not to be bailed or deliuered out of prison by any maner of officer without hauing special warant therfore, from her Maiestie: for so doth her highnes meane to take the care to her selfe, to punish such a notable contempt. And to deuise such seuerall maner of punishmentes, for terror and example, as shalbe requisite to the ma­ner & other circumstances of the offence. And furder her Maiestie cōmandeth, that all other persons being present or nere to any such rescues to be made, shall do their best endeauour to ayde the publike officer, & to attache the offendors and their adherents, vpon payn to be likewise imprisoned, vntill her maiesties plea­sure shalbe therin speciallye declared. Or that the Iustices of the Assisse, or of Oyer and terminer at their next comming nere to that place, or the president and counsell (if the case shal so require) in the Marches of Wales, or in the North, shall otherwise order therin, according to the quality of the fault. Wherin her ma­iestie chargeth the same Iustices, Presidents and Counsell, to vse such seueritie as to the cause shall apper­tayn, and moue others, by thexample and terror of punishment to forbeare from the lyke.

God saue the Quene.

Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyard, by Richarde Jugge and John Cawood, Printers to the Quenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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