¶ By the Quene.
WHere in the Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the eyght day of Iune▪ in the .xxviii. yere of the raigne of the noble king of Famouse memory king Henry the eyght, father to our Soueraigne Lady the Quenes Maiestie, one Acte and statute was then and there made, entituled, an Acte limitting the pryses of Wynes: And where also in the Session of the Parliament holden vpon prorogation at Westminster, the .xxii. day of Ianuary, in the .xxxiiii. yere of the raigne of the sayd noble king, one Act and statute was then & there made, entituled, an Act to aucthorise certayne of the kinges Maiesties Counsell to set pryses vpon wynes to be solde by retayle. By the which sayd seuerall [...] and statutes, aucthoritie is geuen vnto the Lorde Chauncellour of Englande, Lorde Treasourer of [...]de the Lorde President of the kinges most honorable Counsayle, Lorde Priuie seale, and the two [...] of eyther Benche, or .v. iiii. or .iii. of them, by their discretions, to set the pryses of all kyndes [...]y, from tyme to tyme when they shall be solde, in grosse, and by retayle, and thereof Proclama [...] made in the Citie. Borough, and Towne, where any suche Wynes are to be solde. Whiche sayde order for the retaylyng of Wynes▪ is further limitted and appoynted by the statute made in the fift yere of the [...] our Soueraigne Lady the Quenes Maiestie, entituled, an Acte touchyng certayne politike consti [...]s made for the mayntenaunce of the Nauie, as by the sayde seuerall Actes and statutes amongest [...]ges more at large it doth and may appeare.
Forasmuche as the Lorde keper of the great Seale of Englande, the Lorde Treasourer of Englande, and the two chiefe Iustices of eyther Benche, in the execution of the sayde seuerall Actes and statutes, haue b [...] their deliberate aduises, taxed, limitted, assigned, and appoynted the pryses of Gascoigne and Frenche [...] to be solde within this the Quenes Maiesties Realme in grosse: That is to saye, euery Tunne of the best Gascoigne Wine, to be solde after the custome and impost payde to the Quenes Maiestie, at the [...] and rate of .vii. li. vi. s. viii. d. the Tunne, and not aboue. And euery Tunne of the best Frenche Wyne, to be solde in like maner after the same rate of .vi. li. vi. s. viii. d. the Tunne▪ and not aboue. And euery Pipe, [...] Puncheon, Terce, and other vessell of the same seuerall Wynes, to be solde after their quantities, [...]ding to the same rates, and not aboue: And for small and thinne Wynes, to be solde vnder the same [...]tes to the byers and sellers thereof can agree. And for the retaylyng of the sayde Gascoigne and Frenche [...]nes the sayde Lordes and Iustices, by aucthoritie aforesayde, haue assigned and appoynted the pryses, as [...]. That is to say euery Gallon of the best Gascoigne Wyne, to be solde for .x. d. the Gallon, and not [...]. And euery Gallon of the best Frenche Wyne to be solde also for .x. d. the Gallon, and not aboue. And also that euery Pottle▪ Quarte and Pynte, shalbe retayled and solde after and according to the same seuerall [...] and pryses. The Quenes Maiestie our Soueraigne Lady therefore straightly chargeth and commaundeth all and singuler her subiectes, and others, putting any maner of Goscoigne or Frenche wynes to [...] this her Maiesties Realme, that they, ne any of them, in any maner of wyse, by any craft, couin, [...] agreement, shall sell any Gascoigne or Frenche Wynes otherwyse, or at any higher pryses, then is [...]tted, vpon payne to forfayte and pay suche penalties, as are contayned and expressed in the sayde s [...]uerall Actes and statutes. And further her highnes pleasure and commaundement is, that all and sin [...] Maiors▪ Sheriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, and other her officers and ministers to whom it appertay [...] that they and euery of them with diligence, cause and see that this her Proclamation be put in due exe [...] after the tenour of the same: And also according to another Acte of Parliament, made in the .xxxvii. [...] of the raigne of her Maiesties sayde father King Henry the eyght, agaynst suche as wyll refuse to sell [...]Wines at pryses taxed as is aforesayde, as they wyll aunswere thereto at their perilles.
God saue the Quene.
¶ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde, by Rycharde Iugge and Iohn Cawood: Printers to the Quenes Maiestie.
Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.