❧ By the Quene.
THe Quenes Maiestie perceauing, that notwithstandyng the notorious offence of Thomas Cobham, committed on the Seas, against certayne Subiectes of her good brother the Kynge of Spayne, for apprehension of whome, commaundement hath ben geuen to the Portes of the Realme: yet the sayde Thomas Cobham, as it is reported, hath ben secretly in certayne places on the lande, nere the Sea side, and not apprehended. For remedy hereof, and for a direct and speedy proceeding in Iustice against him: Willeth and commaundeth all manner of persons, of what condition soeuer they be, to doe theyr vttermost to apprehende by Sea or by lande the sayde Thomas, or any of his complices. And if any person shall harbour, or any wyse directly or indirectly, succour or relieue him, or any of his complices, or shall forbeare to doe theyr indeuour to stay him, or any of them, wheresoeuer he or they may reasonably be stayed: her Maiestie wyll, that such persons for such succouring of him, or forbearing to doe theyr indeuour to apprehende hym or his complices, shalbe taken and ordered as accessories to pyracie.
Yeuen at Grenewiche, the xxi. of Iuly, the sixt yere of her Maiesties most noble Reigne.God saue the Quene.