¶ By the Quene,

The Quenes most excellent Maiestie, wylleth all persons to vnderstande, that lyke as for maintenaunce of her Realme, and the tytles and ryghtes therof, she hath continued in warre hytherto with the French Kyng: So no we vpon honorable and reasonable conditions, accorded the. xi. of this moneth, by treatie betwixt her Ambassadours, and the sayde Frenche kynges, her Maiestie hath also, to the honour of God, to the weale of her Realme, and preseruation of all her tytles and ryghtes thereto be­longyng, assented to a perfect, good, and honorable peace, with the sayde Frenche kyng. And therefore her Maiestie strayghtly chargeth and com­mandeth all maner of persons of her obeysaunce, to forbeare all hostilitie agaynste the Subiectes of the sayde Frenche kyng her good brother, by disarmyng them selues and theyr shippes, and to Iyue in good peace with them, by mutuall entercourse and trade of marchaundize, as becommeth good neygh­bours and freendes.

And for that no impediment shoulde aryse to the entercourse, by reason of priuate offences commit­ted by any of her Maiesties Subiectes, agaynst the Frenche Kynges, by Lande or by Sea in this laste warre, or in the doubtfull tymes before the same warre publyshed: Her Maiestie letteth all her Sub­iectes to vnderstande, that it is accorded betwixt her and her good brother the sayde Frenche Kyng, that none of her Subiectes shalbe impeched or molested, for the takyng, spoylyng, or deteynyng of any ships, armure, marchaundize, victuall, or any other kynde of goodes belongyng to the Frenche, from the first of September, in the yere of our Lorde God a thousande fyue hundred threescore two, vntyll the tyme of the publication hereof, which is appoynted to be by the. xxiii. of this present moneth of Apryll.

God saue the Quene.

¶ Imprinted by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Quenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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