❧ By the Quene.
THe Quenes Maiestie strayghtly cōmaundeth all maner her Admirals, Viceadmirals, Captaynes, and maisters of her Shippes, that now be, or that hereafter shall go to the Seas, and lykewise all other her Subiects beyng rulers of any Shippes of warre vpon the Seas, to permit & suffer al maner of Subiectes of her good brothers the king of Spaine tradyng the Seas, eyther for marchaundize or fyshing of Herryng or other Fyshe, to vse and folowe the accustomed trade of theyr marchaundize and fyshing, without any trouble, vexation, or molestation. And yf any of the French kinges Subiectes hauntyng the Seas as Pirates or men of warre, shall (as of late it is vnderstanden they haue) spoyle or molest any of the sayd kyng of Spaynes Subiectes: Her Maiesties lyke pleasure and commaundement is, that the Captaynes aswell of her owne proper Shippes, as of others, shall employ theyr whole force, to ayde, defende, and rescue the same, out of the hands of the sayde Frenche Pirattes or men of war, in lyke maner as the case were properly belonging to her owne naturall Subiectes. And if any shall eyther of set purpose or negligence do to the contrary: her Maiesty meaneth to cause the same to be seuerely punished, as the good amitie betwixt her Maiestie and her said good brother, doth and ought to require.
Yeuen at her hyghnes castell of Wyndsor the fyrst day of September, the fyfth yere of her Maiesties reigne.God saue the Quene.
❧ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyard, by Richarde Jugge and John Cawood, Printers to the Quenes Maiestie.
¶ Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.