¶ By the Quene

THe Quenes Maiestie certaynely vnderstandyng, that the Frenche kyng hath the sixt of this present moneth caused to be published in Fraunce by sounde of Trompet in this sorte, that all maner his Subiectes of what estate soeuer they be, shoulde arme and equippe all maner of vesselles at theyr pleasure, and with them to inuade, take, offende, and endomage all Englyshe men, and other her Maiesties Subiectes, eyther by Sea or Lande, in theyr persons, goodes, or vesselles, by takyng them prysoners, and puttyng them to raunsome, and that to continue so long as the said Englyshe men should holde and occupye the Towne of Newehauen: de­claryng further therwith, that from that tyme, all actes and exploictes which shoulde be done by his Subiectes, and all pryzees, shoulde be good and auayleable, as thynges taken from thennemies. Uppon whiche proceadynges well considered, her Maiestie vpon good deliberation of counsell, hath thought it by this example, and the iniust prouocation of the sayde kyng, necessary, not only to warne her Subiectes therof, resydyng in all her portes: but also to licence them, & all others her Subiectes, that for theyr defence and sauegarde, they may do theyr vttermoste by Sea and Lande, agaynste any of the sayde French kynges Subiectes, and so continue vntyll her Maiestie shall haue ryght and reason done to her, for the assuraunce of her Towne of Callayce, and all other her territories on that syde the Seas, which is and hath ben denyed vnto her, and for which purpose only, her Maiestie hath hyther­to synce the ende of the troubles in Fraunce, helde the sayde Towne of Newehauen, as in good reason she hath iust cause to do. And where before this tyme, her Maiestie gaue cōmaundement, that none of her Subiectes shoulde spoyle or robbe any French man by sea or lande, which should seke to offende them, but shoulde only staye and preserue them and theyr goodes in safetie: Nowe her Maiestie is iust­ly occasioned, and so doth licence all her Subiectes, to take them and theyr vesselles, and ordeyneth by these presentes, that the pryzees taken (euen as the French kyng hath ordered) shalbe iudged for good and vailyable, as thynges taken from enemies.

GOD saue the Quene.

¶ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood, printers to the Quenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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