¶A Proclamation agaynst the deceyptfull wyndyng and foldynge of Wooles
FOr reformation and redresse of many deceites, and falshoddes vsed and practysed in wynding and foldyng of wooles. The Queenes most royall Maiestie, by thaduyse of her most honorable Counsayle, strayghtlye chargeth and commaundeth, that no maner of person or persons, whatsoeuer he or they be, at any tyme hereafter, go aboute, or take vpon hym or them, to wynd or folde anye manner of wooles, in any country, where any ende wooles are accostomed to be wrought, or in the Counties of Lincolne, Leicester, or Rutland, before he or they shalbe admitted and alowed by the Mayster and Wardens of the companye, and felowshyp of the wolmen of the Citie of London, or one of them for the time being, or before the Maior of the Staple of Bostonne, for the time beyng, for the wooles of the grothe of the counties of Lincolne, Leicester, and Rutland, aforesaide, by thaduise of a sworne Packer. And that euery person or persons, so alowed and admytted, for an able and lawefull workeman, or workemen in forme aforesayde, shall haue a Testimoniall or Certificat of hys alowaunce and admyttaunce, vnder the Seale of the Maior of the Staple at Westminster, for the tyme being, or of the Maior of the Staple of Boston, for the tyme being, for the wooll of the growing of the counties aforesaid: And that none of the sayd persons so alowed and admitted, or that shalbe so alowed, and admitted, shal go about or take vpon hym or them, to wynde or folde any woolles, before he or they haue taken a corporall othe, before one of the sayd Maiors, for the time being, accordyng to the eutent aboue lymytted, that he or they shall truelye and w [...]ly without deceyt, wynde or folde, all and synguler such wooll or woolles, as he or they shall take vpon hym, or them, to winde or folde, ne shal vse any deceit, crafte, fraude or guyle therein, vppon payne that euerye person, whych shall take vpon hym to wynde or fold any maner of wooles, beyng not admytted, and sworne as is aforesayde, shall suffer imprysonment by the space of tenne dayes, and to be sette vpon the Pylory, in the nexte market Towne, with a fleece of wooll hanging about hys necke.
And her Maiestie by the assente aforesaide, further strayghtelye chargeth and commanndeth, that noo grower, breder, brogger, or gatherer of any ende wooles, or other wooles within the Counties aforenamed, shal at any tyme hereafter set on worke any wooll folder, or wooll winder. to folde or winde his, or their wooll, or woolles, vnlesse the said woolfolder, or woolwinder, bryng with him or them a Testymoniall or certificat vnder the Seale of the sayde Maior of the Staple of Westminster for the tyme beinge, or the Maior of the Staple of Boston, for the tyme beyng, in fourme as is aforsaid, testifying hym or theym to be sworne and admytted, for an able workeman to folde and wynde wooles, in maner and forme as is aforesayd, vpon payne of Imprisonmente and fyne at the Quenes Maiesties pleasure.
And further where by an act made in the xxiii. yeare of the reygne of her Maiesties most deare father, Kyng Henry the Eight, yet standynge in force: It was enacted, that no maner of person do wynd, or cause to be wound any fleece of wooll, not beyng sufficiently, ryuered or wasshed, ne wynd or cause to be wound in any fleece, anye deceuable thing, whereby the fleece may be the more wayghtie, to the deceipt and losse of the buyer, vpon payne the sellor of such deceiptfull wooles to forfeite for euery such fleece, syxe pence. Her Maiestie being informed that notwithstandyng the sayd good Acte, much deceite is vsed in wasshyng, windyng, and foldyng of wooles: Doth strayghtiy charge and commaunde, all and euery her Subiectes, to obserue the true meanyng of the sayd acte, vpon payne of forfeiture, of the penalties therein conteyned, and as they wyll auoyde her hyghnes further dyspleasure: And for the auoydyng and eschuinge of further crafte and deceite now of late vsed.
The Quenes most Royall Maiestie with thaduise aforesaide, strayghtlye chargeth and commaundeth, that fromhenceforth, on grower, or breder of wooles, whatsoeuer he or they be, shall permytte and suffer, his or theyr shepe, beyng wasshed and dryed agayne, ready to be shorne, to go aboue .v. or vi. dayes vnshorne or vnclypped, yf the wether be drie, vpon paine of imprisonment and fyne at the Quenes Maiesties pleasure.
And further her Maiestie by thaduise aforesayd, strayghtly chargeth and commaundeth al and euery Iustice of Peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, and all other officers and ministers, as they wil aduoide her hyghnes displeasure, and aunswere to the contrary at their perills, that they and euery of them cause euery such offendor and offendors to be punyshed for such offence or offences, accordyng as is afore expressed and declared.
Yeuen at our Manoure of Greenewich the .x. of August, in the forth yeare of our reygne. Anno.M.D.LXII.
¶Imprinted at London in Powles Churcheyarde, by Rychards I [...]gge, and Iohn Ca [...]d, Prynters to the Quenes Maiestie.
Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatia.