¶ By the Queene.
A Proclamation against the deceiptfull winding and folding of Wools.
FOR reformation and redresse of many deceits and falshoods vsed and practised in winding and folding of Wooles: The Queenes most royall Maiestie by the aduise of her most honourable Counsell straightly chargeth and commandeth that no maner of person or persons, whatsoeuer he or they be, at any time hereafter, goe about or take vpon him or them to wynde or folde any manner of wooles in any Countrey, where any ende wooles are accustomed to be wrought or in the Counties of Lincolne Licester, or Rutland before he or they shall be admitted and allowed by the Master and Wardens of the Company and fellowship of the Woolmen of the Citie of London, or one of them for the tyme being, or before the Maior of the Staple of Boston for the tyme being, for the woolles of the grothe of the Counties of Lincolne, Leicester, and Rutland aforesaid, by thaduise of a sworne Packer. And that euery person or persons so allowed and admitted for an able and lawfull workeman or workemen in forme aforesaid shal haue a Testimoniall or Certificate of his allowance & admittance vnder the seale of the Maior of the Staple at Westminster for the tyme being or of the Maior of the Staple of Boston for the tyme being, for the Wooll of the growing of the Counties aforesaid. And that none of the said persons so allowed and admitted, or that shall be so allowed and admitted, shall goe about or take vpon him or them to wynde or fold any woolles, before he or they haue taken a corporall othe before one of the sayd Maiors for the tyme being according to the intent aboue limited, that he or they shall truely and iustly without deceipt wyn de or fold all and singuler such Wooll or Woolles as hee or they shall take vpon him or them, to wynd or fold, ne shall vse any deceipt, craft, fraud, or guyle therein, vpon paine that euery person which shall take vpon him to wynd or fold any manner of Wooles being not admitted and sworne as is aforesayd, shall suffer imprisonment by the space of x. dayes and to bee set vpon the Pillorie in the next Market towne, with a fleece of Wooll hanging about his necke.
And her Maiestie by the assent aforesaid further straightly chargeth and commaundeth that no grower, breeder, brogger or gatherer of any end Wooles or other Wooles within the Counties aforenamed shall at any time hereafter set on worke any Woolfolder or Woolwynder to fold or wynd his or their Wooll or Woolles, vnlesse the said Woolfolder or Woolwinder, bring with him or them a Testimoniall or Certificate vnder the Seale of the said Maior of the Staple of Westminster, for the tyme being, or the Maior of the Staple of Boston, for the tyme being in fourme as is aforesayd, testifiyng him or them, to be sworne and admitted for an able workeman to fold and to wynd Wooles in manner and fourme as is aforesaid, vpon paine of imprisonment and fine at the Queenes Maiesties pleasure.
And further whereby an Act made in the xxiii. yeare of the raigne of her Maiesties most deare father, King Henry theight yet standing in force it was enacted that no manner of person doe wynde or cause to be wound any fleece of Wooll, not being sufficiently riuered or washed, ne wynde or cause to be wound in any fleece any deceiuable thing whereby the fleece may bee the more waightie to the deceipt and losse of the buyer, vpon paine the seller of such deceitfull Woolles to for faite for euery such fleece vi. d. Her Maiestie being informed that notwithstanding the said good Act much deceipt is vsed in washing winding and folding of Woolles, doth straightly charge and command all and euery her Subiects to obserue the true meaning of the said Act, vpon payne of forfeiture of the penalties therein contained and as they will auoyd her Highnesse further displeasure: And for the auoyding and eschewing of further craft and deceipt now of late vsed. The Queenes most royall Maiestie with thaduise aforesaid straightly chargeth and commaundeth, that from henceforth no grower or breeder of Woolles whatsoeuer he or they be, shall permit and suffer his or their sheepe being washed and dryed againe ready to be shorne, to goe aboue v. or vi. dayes vnshorne or vnclipped if the weather bee dry, vpon paine of imprisonment and fine at the Queenes Maiesties pleasure.
And further her Maiestie by the thaduise aforesaid straghtly chargeth and commaundeth all and euery Iustice of Peace, Maiors, Sheriffes Bailiffes and all other officers and ministers as they will auoide her Highnesse displeasure, and answere to the contrary at their perils, that they and euery of them cause euery such offendor and offendors to be punished for such offence or offences according as is afore expressed and declared.
Gyuen at our manour of Grenewich, the x. of August, in the fourth yeere of Our raigne. Anno M. D. Lxij.God saue the Queene.
Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.
Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.