¶ A note of certaine necessarie Actes mencioned in the Quenes Maiestyes Proclamation, besyde a Collection of certayne others, publyshed the laste yeare, and nowe to be all executed.
First concerning the Actes remaining in force for apparell.
THe Statute made in the xxiiii. yeare of King Henry the viii, for reformation of the abuse of Apparel remaining nowe in force, conteineth so many articles and clauses, as the same can not be conueniently abrydged, but is to be considered bi readyng and perusyng the whole Act at large. But the Statute lately made in the time of kyng Philip and Quene Mary: For execution whereof (as for that which at thys time is most necessary) Articles and orders be presently deuised, followeth here abridged.
Anno. i. &. ii.NO English man, other then the sonne and heyre apparaunt of a knight or he that hath yeerely reuenues of xx. li. or is worth in goods, Phi. & Mar. Cap. ii. cc. li. shall weare silke in or vpon his hatte, cap, night cappe, girdles, scabbarde, hose, shooes, or spurre lethers, vpon forfaiture of x. li. for euery day, and imprysonment by three moneths.
Iustices a Assise and of the peace, sheriffes, stewardes in Letes, head officers of townes corporate, shall enquyre and determine the offences, and commyt thoffendour to prison, tyll he haue payd the forfayture.
If any knowyng his seruaunt to offende, do not put hym out of his seruice within xiiii. dayes, or so put out, retaine hym agayne within a yeare after such offence, he shall forfayt C. li.
Any aboue the degree of a knightes sonne, or doughter, or wyfe to any of them, or Maior, or head offycer in any towne corporate, or wyfe to any of them, or the kyng, or the Quenes seruauntes in ordinary wages attendaunt, wearyng ordinary liueries, may weare as they myght before.
None shall be compelled to put a way his apprentice or hyred seruaunt before thend of his terme.
Women may weare in theyr hattes, cappes, gyrdles and hoodes, as they myght before.
Concerning the increase and breedyng of Horses, Geldyngs and Mares.
xxvii. H. viii, Ca. vi. EVery person, of what estate or degree soeuer he be, hauyng a Parke or ground inclosed, wherein any Deere is or vsually kept for game, & not lying within the counties of Westmerland, Commerland, Northumberland, and the Byshopricke of Duresme, containyng the quantitie of one myle in compasse, and is thereof seased in fee symple▪ fee taile, or for terme of life in possession to his owne profite and behoofe: And euery Fermour of euery such parke or ground inclosed, shal keepe two Mares, beyng not spayd, Mares. apt and hable to beare foales, & ech of them of xiii. handfuls in heyght at the least, to be measured from the lowest part of the hoofe of the fote, vnto the hyest part of the shoulder, vpon paine of xl. s. for euery moneth. And for euery parke of iiii. miles compasse and more, The heyght of the Mares iiii. like mares, and of the like height. And that thowners of such ground shall not wyllyngly suffer the same Mares to be couered with any horse vnder xiiii. handfuls in height vpon like paine.
xxxii. H. viii. Ca. xiii. Stoned horse.No stoned Horse beyng aboue the age of ii. yeares, and not beyng of the heyght of xv. handefulles, to be measured from the lowest part of the hoofe of the forefoote, vnto the heyghest part of the wyther, and euery handfull to conteyne iiii. ynches shalbe put to pasture in any forrest, chase, moore, marysh, heath, comen or wast grounde, vpon payne of forfeyture of the sayde horse or horses.
Seasour.And it shalbe lawefull to euery person and persons that shall fynde any such horse or horses contrarye to the fourme of this Statute, to sease the same horse in maner and forme as in the same statute is prescrybed. And to retayne the same horse or horses to his owne vse, and as his owne proper goods and cattels for euer.
Forestes, Chases, Comons. &c shalbe dryuen.And all Forestes, Chases, Comons, Mores, Marshes, Heathes, and wast groundes wythin this Realme of Englande, Wales, and the Marches of the same, shalbe dryuen yearelye at the feast of S. Michaell tharchangell, or within xv. dayes then nexte after, by the Lordes or possessions of the sayde forestes and chases, or by thofficers of the same, and by the Constables, headborowes, Baylyffes, Bursholders and Tithingmen, wyth in whose offyces and limittes the comons, moores mary shes, heathes, and waste groundes, beynge out of forestes and chasess, be or lye, vpon the Payne.payne of xl. s. And it shalbe lawful to euery of the sayd offycers and other the sayde personnes to make lyke dryfte of the sayde forestes, chases, comons, moores, maryshes, heathes, and waste groundes at any other season or tyme of the yeare, when they shall thynke mete and conueniente. Mare, killed. Gelding. Enquiri.And yf in any of the sayd dryftes ther shalbe founde anye mare, fyllie, fole, or geldinge, that shal be then thought not able, nor lyke to growe to be able to beare foles of reasonable stature, or not hable nor lyke to grow to do profitable labour and seruice, by the discretion of the dryuers, or of the more number of them: that then the sayd dryuer or dryuers shal cause the same vnprofitable beastes to be killed. And all Iustices of peace in theyr quarter sessions, and all Stewardes of Leetes and lawdayes, haue aucthoritie to enquyre of all the defaultes, omissions, contemptes and offences contrary to thys statute.
iiii. & v. Phi. &. Ma. Ca. ii A thousande pounde in landes by yeare.EVery temporal person hauying honours, Lordeshyppes, manous, houses, landes, medowes, pastures or woods, of estate of enheritaunce or free holde, to the cleer yerely value of a thousande pounde and aboue, shall haue, fynde, kepe, and maynetayne within thys Realme of Englande, and of theyr owne proper, and, at theyr owne costes and charges .vi. horses or geldynges hable for Dimilaunces, whereof three of thyem at [Page]the least to be Horses with sufficient Harnes, steele Saddle, and Weapon, requisite and appertayning to the said Dimilaunces Horses, or Geldings: and ten light Horses or Geldinges hable and mete for light horsmen, with the furniture of Harnes and Weapon, requisite for the same. And .xl. Corslettes furnished .xl. Almayne Ryuettes: or in stede of the sayd Almayne Ryuettes .xl. Cotes of plate, Corslettes or Brygandines furnished .xl. Pykes .xxx. longe Bowes .xxx. sheafe of Arrowes .xxx. steele cappes or skulles, xx. blacke Bylles or Halberdes .xx. Haquebuttes, and xx. Murryons or sallettes.
[...]Item euery like person hauinge like possessions to the yeerely value of one M. markes or aboue, M. Markes [...]n lands by [...]he yeare.and vnder the yeerely value of a thousand poundes, shall haue and fynde as is abouesayde .iiii. Horses or Geldynges hable for Dimilaunces, wherof two at the least to be Horses sufficiently furnished, for Dimilaunces Horses, or Geldinges: and vi. lyght Horses mete for lyght horsmen, with furniture requisite for the same. And of Armour and weapon .xxx. Corslettes furnished .xxx. Almaine Ryuettes, or in stede of them .xxx. Cotes of plate, Corslettes or Brygandines furnished .xxx. Pikes .xx. longe Bowes .xx. sheafes of Arrowes .xx. stele Cappes or skulles, blacke Bylles or Halberdes .x. Haquebuttes, and x. Murrions or sallettes.
Foure C. pound [...]n landes by [...]he yeare.Item euery such person hauinge possessions as is abouesayd, to the cleare yeerely value of iiii. C. li. or aboue, and vnder the cleare yeerely value of one. M. markes, shall fynde and mayntayne in forme as is aforesaid, two Horses, or one Horse, and one Geldinge hable for Dimilaunces, and iiii. Geldinges hable for light horsmen, and xx. Corslettes xx. Almayne Ryuettes: or in lew of them xx. Cotes of plate, Corslettes or Brygandines furnished xx. Pykes .xv. longe Bowes .xv. sheafes of Arrowes .xv. steele Cappes or skulles .vi. Haquebuttes, and vi. Murryons or salettes.
Two C. pound [...]n landes by [...]he yeare.Item euery such person hauinge possessions to the cleare yerely value of ii. C. li. or aboue, and vnder the yerely value of iiii. C. poundes, shal haue, kepe and maintaine one great Horse or Gelding hable for a Dimilaunce, and two Geldinges hable for light horsmen furnished with Harnes, steele Saddle, and weapons for the same, sufficient as is aforesaid. And in Ar [...]our .x. Corslettes .x. Almayne Ryuettes, or in the place of Almayne Ryuettes .x. cotes of plate, Corslettes, or Brygandines .x. Pykes .viii. longe Bowes .viii. sheafes of Arrowes .viii. steele Cappes or skulles .iii. Haquebu [...]tes, and thre Murryons or salettes.
One C. pound [...]n landes by [...]he yeare.Item euery such person hauing such possessions to the yearely value of one hundreth poundes or aboue, and vnder the yerely vallue of two C. li. shal fynde, kepe, and mayntaine in fourme aforesaid, two Geldinges mete for light norsmen, three Corslettes, thre Almayne Ryuettes: or in stede of them, so many Cotes of plate, Corslettes, or Brygandines, thre Pykes, thre longe Bowes, three sheafes of Arrowes, thre steele Cappes or Skulles, two Haquebuttes, two Murryons or Salettes.
One C. Markes in landes [...]y the yeare.Item euery such person hauinge landes as is aforesayd to the cleare yearly value of one. C. markes or aboue, and vnder the yerely value of one hundreth poundes, shal haue and kepe one Gelding hable for a light horsman with a Harnes, and Weapon requisite for the same, two Corslettes furnished, two Almayne Ryuettes: or in stede of the same, two Cotes of plate or Brygandines, two Pykes, two longe Bowes, two sheafes of Arrowes, two steele Cappes, or Skulles, one Haquebut, one Murrion or Sallet.
Fortie pound in landes by the yeare.And euery suche person hauinge suche possessions to the yerely value of xl. li. or aboue, and vnder the yerely value of one hundreth markes, shal haue and kepe two Corslets, two Almaine Riuettes: or in the stede of the same, two Cotes of plate, Corslettes or Brygandines furnished, two Pikes, one longe Bowe, one sheafe of Arrowes, one stele Cappe or Skull, two Haquebuttes, two Murryons or salettes.
Twentie poūd in landes by the yeare.Item euery such person hauinge possessions to the yerely value of xx. li. or aboue, and vnder the yerelye value of xl. li. shall haue and kepe one Corslet, one Pyke, one Haquebut, one Murryon or Sallet, one longe Bowe, one sheafe of Arrowes, one steele Cappe, or skull.
Ten pound in landes by the yeare.Item euery person hauinge possessions to the yerely value of x. li. or aboue, and vnder the yerely value of xx. li. shal haue & kepe, one Almaine Riuet: or in the stede therof, one cote of plate, or one Brygandine, one Haquebut, one Murryon or sallet, one longe Bowe, one sheafe of Arrowes, and one steele Cappe or skull.
Fiue pound in landes by the yeare.Item euery person that hath possessions to the cleare yerely value of v. li. or aboue, and vnder the yerely value of x. li. shall haue and kepe one cote of plate, one blacke Byll, or Halberde, one longe Bowe, one sheafe of Arrowes, and one steele Cappe or skull.
One thousande Markes in goodes.Item euery such person hauinge goodes or Cattelles to the value of one thousand markes or aboue, shal haue, fynde and kepe in maner and fourme aforesayde, one Horse or Geldinge hable for a Dimilaunce, with steele Saddle, Harnes, and Weapon requisite for the same, and also one Geldynge hable and mete for a lyght horseman, with Harnes and Weapon requisite for the same. Or els xviii. Corslettes furnished in stede of the sayde Horse or Geldynge at his choyse. And also shal haue, kepe and fynde two Corslettes, two Almayne Ryuettes, or elles in stede of the same Almayne Ryuettes two Cotes of plate, two Corslettes, or two Brygandines, two Pykes, foure long Bowes, foure sheafes of Arrowes, foure steele Cappes or Skulles, thre Haquebuttes, thre Murryons or Salettes.
Foure C. pound in goodes.Item euery such person hauing goodes or cattelles to the value of foure. C. li. or aboue, and vnder the value of one. M. markes, shal haue, fynde and kepe one Geldyng able and mete for a light horsman, with all Harnes and Weapon requisite for the same. Or elles at theyr choyse, nyne Corslettes good and hable for the fielde furnished. And also shall haue and fynde one Corslet, one Pyke, two Almayne Ryuettes, Cotes of plate, or Brygandines, one Haquebut, two longe Bowes, two sheafes of Arrowes, and two steele Cappes or Skulles.
Two C. pound in goodes.Item euery such person hauyng in goodes or cattelles to the value of two C. li. or aboue, and vnder the value of iiii. C. li. shal haue, kepe and fynde, one Corslet, one Pyke, two Almayne Ryuettes, Cotes of plate or Brigandines, one Haquebut, one Murrion or salet, two longe Bowes, two sheafes of Arrowes, and two Skulles or steele Cappes.
One C. pound in goodes.Item euery person hauyng in goods and Cattelles to the value of one C. li. or aboue, and vnder the value of two C. li. shall kepe and fynde, one Corslet, or Pyke, one payre of Almayne ryuets, one cote of plate or one payre of Brigandines, two longe Bowes, two sheafes of Arrowes, and two Skulles.
Fortie pound in goods.Item euery person hauing in goodes or cattelles the value of xl. li. or aboue, and vnder the value of one C. li. shal kepe and fynde two payre of almayne ryuettes, or two cotes of plate, or brygandynes, one long bowe, one sheafe of arrowes, one steele Cappe or Skull▪ and one blacke bill or halberde.
Twenty pound in goods.Item euery such person hauinge in goods and cattels the value of xx. li. or aboue, and vnder the value of forty pounds, shall kepe and fynde one payre of almayne ryuettes, eyther one cote of plate, or els one payre of Brygandynes, two long Bowes, two sheafes of Arrowes, two skuls, or steele Cappes, and one blacke Byll or Halbarde.
Ten pound in goodes.Item euery person hauinge in value of goodes & cattelles .x. li. or aboue, and vnder the value of xx. li. shall kepe and fynd one long bowe, one sheafe of arrowes▪ one steele Capp. or shull, and one blacke byll or Halberde.
Annuitie. Terme of life. Inheritaunce. Copiholde to the yerely value. Wiues apparell.And euery person or persons hauinge at thys present, or hereafter shall haue any annuitie or yearelye fee, or any copy holde, for terme of lyfe, or inheritance, not charged by thys acte, to the cleare yearely value of thyrtye pounde or aboue: shall kepe and fynde such furniture of Armour and weapons in euerye degree, accordynge to the proportions and rates before expressed, limitted for goodes and cattels.
Item that euery person which by vertue of the Acte, made in the xxxiii. yeare of the raygne of king H. viii. Cap. v. was bounde (by reason that his wyfe should weare such apparell or other thing, as in the sayde Statute is speciallye mentioned and declared) to kepe or fynde one greate stoned trotting horse, and is not by this Acte before charged to haue, keepe and maintayne any horse or gelding: shal by force of this acte, be bounde to kepe and to haue and mayntayne one Gelding hable and mete for a lyghte horseman, with sufficiente harnesse, and weapon for the same, in such maner and fourme as euerye temporall personne hauinge landes as is aforesayde, of the clere yerelye value of one hundred markes, is charged and appointed to haue and mayntayne by thys present acte.
Forfeyture.And yf anye of the personnes aboue remembred, shall by the space of three hole monethes, wante the sayd numbre and kindes of horses, geldinges, armoure, weapon, and furnyture aforesayde, after such rate, proportion and fourme as is afore lymytted: that then euerye such person shall forfayte and lose for euery suche three monethes for euerye horse or geldinge so lackynge, ten poundes: for euerye Dimilaunce and furniture of the same, three poundes: And for euery Corslet and furniture of the same .xl s. And for euery almayne ryuet, coat of plate or Brigandine, xx s. And for euery Bow, sheafe of arrowes. Bill, haulberd, haquebut, steele Cappe, skull morryon, and Sallet .x. s.
Agaynst the carrying and conueying of Horses and Mares oute of thys Realme.
An. xi. H. vii. Cap. xiii. NOne shall carry or conuey out of the realme any horse, or anye Mare, the price of which Mare shalbe aboue vi. s. viii. d. and vnder the age of three yeres, without licence: Forfayture.vpon payne of forfeyture of the same horse and mare. Neuerthelesse euery subiect of this realme may carry any such horse for theyr owne vse, taking an othe before the Customer of the porte where he embarketh, that he entendeth not to sell the same horse.
An. i. Ed. vi. Cap. v.None shall sell, conueye, exchaunge, geue or deliuer into the Realme of Scotlande to the vse of any Scottisheman, or into any place beyonde the Sea out of this Realme, any horse, Geldynge, or Mare, without speciall licence vnder the great Seale, or vnder the priuie Signet, nor shal sell, conueye, exchaunge, geue, or deliuer to any Scottyshman within this realme, or the marches of the same, to thintent to be conueied into Scotland any horse, mare, or Gelding, without like licence, Forfayture.vpon payne of forfeyture of the same horse, mare, or Gelding, and the sum of xl. li. for euery such horse, gelding, or mare, & to suffer imprisonment by the space of one hole yere.
Arrest and impryson.And it shalbe lawfull to euery subiect of this Realme to arrest & imprison euery Scotyshman, & euery other person that shall leade or conuey (contrary to the meaning of thys Act) any such horse, gelding, or mare. And that euery person that shall haue such licence to carry any such horses, mares or geldings into Scotland, shal, before the sayd carrying or conueiaunce of them, vpon the payne of forfaiture of the same, or the double value therof, shew his sayd licence to one of the wardens of the three marches of England, for anempst Scotland The licence to be kalendred.to thintent that one of them shal cause the numbre of the sayd horses, mares, or geldyngs, not onely to be kalendred in a booke remayning in his owne custody: but also to be indorsed & wrytten on the backsyde of the sayd licence, and the same indorsement to be signed with the hand of the sayd Warden.
An. xxiii. H viii. Ca. xi.Yf any person shal exchaunge or deliuer within the Realme of Scotlande, or in any place or grounde called the Batable lande, or grounde betwene Englande and Scotlande, to the vse of any Scotyshman any horse, gelding, or mare, without licence vnder the great seale, or sel, exchaunge or deliuer to any Scotishman within the realme of Englande, Wales, the towne of Barwike, or the marches of the same, or in any of the sayd Batable grounde, Felonye. An. i. Eliz. Reg. Cap. viii. any horse, Geldyng or mare, to thintent to be conueyed into Scotlande, without like licence, shalbe adiudged and demed by the law a felon.And this offence is made felony, aswel in the seller, exchanger, or deliuerer as in hym or them to whom the sayd sale, exchaunge, or deliuery shalbe made.
The Wardens of the three Marches in theyr warden courtes, and the Iustices of peace in their quarter sessions, shal inquire, heare and determine any such felony.
xxiii. H. viii. Cap. xvi. Arrest.And it shalbe lawefull to euery subiect of the realme, and inhabiting on the foresayd Marches for anempst Scotland, to arrest any Scottishman, leading or conueying any such horse, gelding or mare out of the realme.
And although this last resited Statute of xxiii. H. viii. was repealed by the seuerall Statutes of An. i. Ed. vi. & An. i. Regi. Marie: Yet it is now fully reuiued by the Statute of Anno. i. Eliza. Regine. Cap. viii.