¶By the Quene,

FOrasmuch as diuers couetous people haue of late▪ vpon intent onlye to enryche them selues, and without any other cause reasonable, not only raysed vp the prices of all maner of grayne, bestiall, and other victuell: but also do in many places forbeere to brynge the same to the markettes as they were accustomed, so as therby the great num­ber of poore people that haue no store to liue vpō ▪ but from one mar­ket day to another vpon theyr money, eyther can not haue such vic­tuell as of necessitie they ought to haue for their sustentacion, or els not without vnreasonable prices, whereby they are lyke to be driuen to great extremitie and lacke. The Quenes Maiestie hath thought meete to charge al maner of Iustices of peace in euery countie, and all Maiors, Sheryffes, and other head ministers in townes corporate, to take a speciall regarde herevnto with all spede, and for the furniture of markettes with victuell where nede shall seme to be, and as the tyme of the yere shall require, to see the same duely serued, by conference aswell amongest them selues, as with the Iustices and Ministers of Counties adioynyng, for helpe of the poore people, by the best meanes that may be vniformely de­uised and put in execution. And thereupon that all officers hauyng aucthoritie to set assise of victuelles, see the same from tyme to tyme well ordered, and wayghtes and measures to be duely obserued in that behalfe.

Yeuen at her Maiesties Pallaice of Westminster the tenth of March, the fourth yere of her high­nes most prosperous raigne.

God saue the Quene.

¶Imprinted at London in Powles Church yarde, by Rycharde Iugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Quenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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