¶ By the Quene.
THe Quenes Maiestie vnderstandyng that certayne vayne and vntrue rumours being of late raysed in and about her Citie of London, touchyng a decrye of moneys, doth not onely continue, but also encrease with a dayly expectacion therof at cuery market day, to the satisfaction only of a sort of couetous people, which therby enhaunce the prices of their wares and vittayle: Doth strayghtly charge all maner persons, vtterly after the publication hereof, to cease from the said vaine false and vntrue reportes, vpon payne to be imprisoned, and further punyshed accordyng to the lawes therfore prouided. And that all officers hauyng aucthoritie to see to thassise of victual and order of markets, extend theyr power furthwith to reduce the prices of all victuall to the state wherin the same was or ought to haue ben, yf these vayne rumours had not ben so spread abroade. Finally her Maiestie commaundeth all maner of officers to whom the Proclamation for obseruyng of fast in Lent and other dayes, was the last yere directed, to see the same both publyshed and duely kept, accordyng to the tenor therof.
Yeuen at Westminster the .xxx. of Ianuary, the fourth yere of her maiesties reigne.God saue the Queene.
¶ Imprinted at London in Powles Church yarde by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Quenes Maiestie.
Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.