❧ By the Quene.
THe Quenes Maiestie beyng infourmed, that in some partes of her Realme, sundrye either ignoraunt or malicious people doe spread rumours abroad, that the base Testons of foure pence halfepeny should not be currant after the end of Ianuary next: Hath thought meet (left the lyke false and seditious rumours might be further spread) to doe all maner her Subiectes to vnderstand, that it hath beene alwayes and so is meant by her Maiestie, that all maner the base Monyes, which hath ben of late decreed by Proclamacion, sauing the Testons of twopence farthyng, shoulde continue and be currant still, and so taken and paid from Subiecte to Subiecte, at the values as they be rated by former Proclamacion, and so to continue vntill the same may be by her Maiesties Subiectes brought to the Mint at London, and there exchaunged for new sterlynge Monyes, with thallowance to the brynger, of three pence in the pound. Wherin suche expedition is made, as in a matter of such a moment, possyble hytherto could be, and shall be nowe from day to day much more.
And as for the peeces of two pence farthing, it is and was meant and declared in the Proclamacion, that they shoulde be taken as currant money vntyll the last day of Ianuary, that day beyng the ende of foure Monethes from Michaelmas laste. And yet neuerthelesse, because within that tyme it shall be harde to bryng vp & make exchaunge of the same in the Mynt with newe Monyes: Her Maiestie is well pleased, that whosoeuer shall brynge anye of the same Testons of two pence farthyng after the saide last day of Ianuary to the sayde Mint at London, within the space of three Moneths after, shall haue for the same in newe syluer two pence farthing: So as her Maiestie meaneth, as much as in her shall be, to beare herein with the burden of her poore Subiects. And her pleasure is, that this shoulde be notified to all her louing Subiectes: geuyng also straight commandement, that no maner person doe refuse to take in paiment any of the said base Monyes, that is to say: the fourepence halfpeny, the threhalfpence, the threfarthings, at the values rated by the former Proclamation, at any time hereafter: neither the other base Testons of twopence farthing at the same rate, vntill the laste day of Ianuary. And in anye wyse to cause all persons doyng the contrary, to be seuerely punished as obstinate and sedicious.
And further, her Maiestie chargeth all maner of officers and ministers, diligently to see to the attachment and punishment of certaine lewde and sedicious persons, that from towne to towne, and Countrey to Countrey, doe carrie and spread sedicious and slaunderous tales, importyng to simple people a feare, that Cattell vnmarked shoulde be forfeited: or that all people Chrystened or Married, should pay for Chrystenynges and maryages certaine Summes of Monye to her Maiestie, with such lyke vayne and sedicious follies neuer meant, nor within the compasse of anye meaning of her Maiestie or her Counsaile. The stay whereof, by speedy and seuere punishment, her Maiestie straightly requireth of all maner of Iusticiaries, as they will or ought to answere to the contrarie, and from hencefoorth to giue order, that assoone as anye such lewde tale is vttered, that the reporters thereof may be either punished with speede, or els produce the aucthours.
Yeuen at her highnesse Palyce at Westminster, the xxiii. day of December.
God saue the Queene.