BE it knowne vnto all Deuoute and faythful people that there hath byne and is erectede foure Hosspitals in and aboute the cytie of London, that is to sae the one is for the poore people that be strykene by the hande of God sume be straught from there wyttes thuse be kepte & mayntend in the Hospital of our Ladye of Beddelem vntyle God caule them to his marty or to ther wyttes agayne.

The Hospital of .S. Iohne bapste of Halywell .S. Nonne and .S. Sonndaye in Wodstocke .S Antonye of Wynsore where ar kepte .ii. C. scolers & pur mē with meat & drynke which do dayli pre for the Quenes highnes & her Counsseal & al other Officers and subiects B [...]yfactors brythern & sustern and the other Hospitall is for Lame and Impotente people that miscarye in the Quens wars or other throwe syckēs or desesyed. There they shall haue sucoure & Realyfe. And those scolers and poor people aforesaid doe Praye vpon ther knife tweys euerye daye for the Quenes estat and the Realeme of Englande. &c.

ELizabeth by the grace of God Quene of Englande Fraunce and Irlande defender of the Fa­yth. &c. Understande you our Officers and subiectes, that we hauyng parfect knowlege by y e information of credible and also worshypfull men, that the forsaed hosiptals is not sufficiently endued with Landes, Tenementes Rentes, or othere reuenewes to the sustentation and mayntenance or releyfe of the poore and impotent men, the grammer scholes in the sayd Hospitalles, the scolers founde in Oryall College within the vneuersite of Oxforde nor for y e reparations of the Churches and there mantion houses. We moued partelye by the hum [...]le suplication of the maisters and the reste of the sayde Hospitalles? And chiefly for the intere affection we bare towarde the continuacion of the sā good deades, trusting that you our welbeloued subiectes wyl the rather by our example do the lyke. We haue graunted and gyuene vnto the said hospitales full aucthortie and fre lyberte vnder our brod sa [...]le of Englande, to sende foth theyr trusty and welbeloued Procter Robart ap Thomas ap E [...]anes and his deputes, he speciall and generall in all Walles & the marches of the samme, as wel in places exempte as not exempte there to aske gather and receue of the deuoute people there charitable almes, and othere there gyftes and bequeste towarde the saed poore men the studyentes at Oxforde, and the scoleres of the grammer schole, beyng comunly to the nomber of towe hondreth. We doe wyl and desire you Beshopes Parsones vicares and Curates and all other ecclesiasticall persones, when soeuer the sayde proctor or his depute shall come vnto you. You gentilye and fauourably receaue him and his depute into your churches or chapeles and there openly to declare and expounde his priuelege permiting and sufferyng hyme frely to aske, gather, recyue and cary awaye the charitable gyftes & bequestes of good people. Moreouer we requere and desire you all Iustices of peace, Mayres, Sheryffes Bayl­yffes, Constables, Churchewardynes and other officers, to ayde, helpe, assiste, defende and maynteine the saed proctore and his assignes. And that the sayde constables or Churchewardens dooe helpe the sayd proctor or his depute to colecte and gathere the charitye of the good and louyng people.

And also we desyre you all Iustys of peace to subscrybe your names herunto.

God Saue the quene.

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