¶By the Queene. A Proclamation for pardon to them of Tin­dale and Riddesdale.

WHEREAS the Queenes most excellent Maiestie hath ben informed by her right trusty and right entirely beloued Cosin the Duke of Norfolke, whyleste he was her Maiesties Lieuetenant general in the North, and also by her right trusty and welbeloued the Lord Grey of Wylton, whilst he was Warden ge­nerall of the East and middle Marches againste Scotland, that there were and be diuers of her subiects within the Countie of Northumberland, in the parties of Tindale and Riddesdale and other parts thereto adioyning, that haue of long time ben culpable and guyltie of sundry crymes for the which the sayd Lieuetenant generall in some parte, by order of the lawes of the Realme, dyd cause execution to be made in the moneth of March last, And finding the number of the offen­dours and theyr repentance very large and great: Was mooued on her Maiesties behalfe to haue commise­ration and so to stay further prosecution against them, vntill her Maiesties pleasure were knowne and the repentance and submission of the sayd offendours notified.

HEREUPON her Maiestie being inclinable to shew mercy towards such as shewe themselues ready to liue lyke true subiects in the peace of God and the Realme, Is pleased that by this her Proclamation it bee notified, to all manner of persons inhabitants within the said Countie of Northumberland, in the partes of Tindale and Riddesdale, that her Maiestie doth acquite and pardon all such persons of the same partes as haue committed any offence worthy death before the said moneth of March, and not such as haue committed any of­fence worthy death since the sayd moneth of March.

AND for the more certaintie of the persons that shall be pardoned: Her Maiestie willeth and commandeth that whosoeuer meaneth or will take any Commoditie of this her Maiesties pardon, shall repayre to the Lord Chauncellour or keeper of the great Seale of England, with certificate vnder the hand and Seale of the said Duke of Northfolke, or of the Lord Grey of Wylton, or of the Warden of the middle or East marches, contey­ning the name and surname of the partie, with an note of such offences as for the which the partie will re­quire his pardon, and a testimonie that he hath found suretie to bee of good behauiour. And therevpon the said Lord Chauncellour or keeper of the great Seale, shall graunt to such person a sufficient pardon vnder the great Seale of England, excepting all high treasons to the person of her Maiestie, and wylfull murders. And the same persons shall pay onely such fees for the same, as were payed for pardons obteyned at her Maiesties Coro­nation, and no greater.

PROUIDED alwayes that no person shall haue any benefit by force of this Proclamation, but such as shall sue foorth a pardon in fourme aforesaid before the last day of Hyllary terme next.

Anno 1560 4 Nouembris the second yere of her Maiesties raigne.

God saue the Queene.

Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde, by Richard Iugge, and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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