¶ By the Quene
THe Quenes Maiestie vnderstandynge, that where of late the peece of gold called the Pistolet was made Currant at fiue shyllynges & tenne pence, and not aboue: Since that tyme dyuers of her subiectes of ignoraunce haue and be dayly muche deceaued, takyng and receauing certeyne other peeces of strange Coynes in steade of Pistolettes for fiue shyllynges & ten pence, whiche in deede were neuer taken ne vsed for Pistolettes, nor do holde in value so much as the very Pistolettes doo, whereby all persons receauyng the same in that value, are deceaued, and susteyne euident losse: Doth therfore by this Proclamation notifie to all maner of persons, that by the name or value of Pistolettes, none shalbe currant within her dominions, but only foure seuerall peeces and Coynes hereafter pourtraicted and stamped. That is to saye: The fyrst and seconde beyng of the kyng of Spaynes Coyne, the thyrde of Venize, and the fourth of Florence: Whiche seuerall peeces of golde being not counterfaicted, her Maiestie doth only allowe to be currant as Pistolettes, and at the value of fiue shyllynges & ten pence, and not aboue.
And for that many persons haue receaued of late tyme dyuers other strange Coynes vpon ignoraunce as Pistolettes: Her Maiestie is pleased to geue to euery person that shall bryng any of the same into her myntes at London, the iuste value that the same shall holde in golde.
Anno. 1560. 2. Nouembris. The second yere of her Maiesties raigne.God saue the Quene.
¶ Imprinted at London in Powles CHVRCHYARDE, By Rychard lugge and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Quenes Maiestie.
¶ Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.