❧ AProclamation against selling of Shippes.

THe Queenes Maiestie vnderstanding out of sundrie partes of her Realme, and specially of such as be nigh to her Sea costes, what greatscaratie of Tymber there is, and in long time not to be recoue­red, meete for the building of Shippes, either for her owne Maie­sties Nauie, or for the Marchants of her Realme: hath by good aduice of her Counsell, thought meete, as for some particular reliefe herein, to command: & so her Highnes by these presents doth cōmand, that no maner person, borne within her obeysance, shall sell or by any maner meanes, directly or indirectly, alienate any maner Shippe or Vessell, of what burthen soeuer the same shalbe, being meet to saile vpon the seas, to any maner of person, either borne or resident out of her Highnesse dominions, as the same will answere at their vttermost perill.

And likewise her Highnes commandeth all maner of persons, to haue due regarde to the obserua­tion of the Statutes ordeined for the good keeping and increase of Tymber, so as vpon inquisition to be made therefore by her Highnesse Commission, they be not found therein in default.

¶ God saue the Queene.

¶ Imprinted at London in Powles Church yarde, by Richarde Iugge, and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queenes Maiestie.

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