❧ By the Queene.

FORASMVCH as contrary to good order and ex­presse lawes made by Parliament, in the xxxiii. yere of the Raigne of the Queenes Maiesties most noble father of worthy memory King Henry the eight: Many men doe daily vse to ryde with Hand­gonnes and Dagges, vnder the length of three quarters of a yarde, whereupon haue followed oc­casions for sundry lewde and euyll persons, with such vnlawfull Gonnes and Dagges now in time of peace to execute great and notable Robberies, and horrible murders: As of late in certaine Shyres of this Realme hath pityfully ben put in vre.

Her Maiestie consydering, with the aduyse of her Couusayle, how be­neficiall a law the same is, and specially at this time most nedefull of dew execution, and how negligently it is of late obserued: Straightly there­fore chargeth and commaundeth, not onely all maner her louyng sub­iectes from henceforth to haue good and specyall regarde to the due exe­cution of the same Statute, and of euery part thereof, but also that all Iustices of peace in their next Sessions, according to the tenour thereof, cause the same exquisitely to be enquyred vpon and executed.

God saue the Queene.

Imprinted by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood Printers to the Queenes Maiesty.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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