By the Quene.

THe Quenes hyghnes vpon many great considerations for the benfyte of her common weale, dothe wyll and straigtlye commaund al maner of persons of what condition soeuer they be, otherwyse then such as be or shalbe excusyd by vnfayned sickenes, or licenced by thauctoritie of her Maiestie or her progenitors: to absteyne from kyllyng, dressyng, or eatyng of anye fleshe, vpon all such vsuall fastynge dayes, and namelye the tyme commonly cal­led the Lent, vpon payne of her Maiesties indignation and im­prysonment duryng her Maiesties pleasure, and such further fyne as therefore shall seme mete.

FOR the better execution whereof, her Maiestie chargeth all Iustices of peace, and all Maiors▪ Bailiffes, and hed officers of Cities and Townes corporate, specially of her Cities of Lon­don, and Westmynster, vpon profe by two sufficient witnesses before them had, to committe the of­fendors thereof to pryson, there to remayne durynge her Maiesties pleasure, and to make fine for the same accordynglye.

AND fynally her Maiestie willeth and requireth all such as shalbe vpon necessitie and iuste cause licenced as aboue is sayd, that as they regarde her Maiesties fauour, they wyll vse the same as modestly and secretely as they may, both to auoyde excesse and euyll example. Yeuen at oure Palayce of Westmynster the .vij day of February the fyrst yeare of oure Raygne.

God saue the Quene.

Imprinted at London by Rychard Iugge, and Ihon Cawodde, Prynters to the Quenes Maiestie.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

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