¶By the Queenes Maiestie.
ELizabeth by the grace of God, Queene of England, France and Ireland, defendour of the Faith, &c. Because it hath pleased almighty God, by calling to his mercie out of this mortall life, to our great griefe, our dearest suster of noble memorie, Mary, late Queene of England, France and Ireland: (Whose soule God haue) to dispose and bestowe vpon vs as the onely right heire by bludde and lawfull succession, the Crowne of the foresaid Kingdomes of England, France and Ireland, with all maner titles and rights thereunto in any wise appertaining: We doe publish and giue knowledge by this our Proclamation to all maner people, being naturall subiects of euery the said Kingdomes, that from the beginning of the xvii. day of this moneth of Nouember, at which time our saide dearest suster departed from this mortall life, they be discharged of all bondes and dueties of subiection towardes our said suster, and be from the same time in nature and lawe bound onely to vs as to their onely Soueraigne Ladie and Queene: Wherewith we do by this our Proclamation straightly charge and allye them to vs, promising on our part no lesse loue and care towards their preseruation, then hath bene in any of our Progenitours, and not doubting on their part but they will obserue the duety which belongeth to naturall, good, and true louing subiects.
And further we straightly charge and command, all maner our said subiects of euery degree, to keepe them selues in our peax, and not to attempt vpon any pretence the breache, alteration or change of any order or vsage presently established within this our Realme, vpon paine of our indignation and the perils and punishment which thereto in any wise may belong.
¶Imprinted at London by Richarde Iugge, Printer vnto the Queenes Highnesse.