By the Kynge and the Quene.

WHEREAS dyuers bokes filled bothe with heresye, sedityon and treason, haue of late, and be dayly broughte into thys Realme, oute of forreine coun­tries and places beyond the seas, and some also couertly printed within this Realme, and cast abroade in sondrye partes thereof, wherby not onely God is dishonored, but also an encoragemente geuen to disobey laweful princes and gouernors. The Kyng and Quenes Maiesties, for redresse hereof, doth by this ther presēt proclamatiō declare and publyshe to all their subiectes that whosoeuer shal after the proclaymyng here­of, be founde to haue any of the sayde wycked and seditious bokes, or finding them, doo not forthwith burne the same, without showing or readyng the same to anye other person, shall in that case be reputed and taken for a rebell, and shall without delay be executed for that offence accordynge to thordre of marshall lawe. Geuen at our manor of Saynt Iameses the .vi. day of Iune.

God saue the kyng and the Quene.

EXCVSVM LONDINI IN AEDIBVSIO hannis Cavvodi Tipographi regiae ma­iestatis.

Anno. M. D. LVIII.

Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.

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