By the Kynge and the Queene.

PHILIPPE AND MARIE by the grace of God king and Quene of Englande, Spayne, Fraunce, both Cycilles, Ierusalem, and Irelande, defendonts of the Faythe, Archdukes of Austria, Dukes of Burgon, Myllayne, and Brabante, Counties of Has­purg Flaunders and Tyroll.
To our right trusty and right welbe loued Colyn and Counsaylor, Willyam Marques of Winchester, our Treasurer of Englād, greting.

Wheras for the defence of this our Realme, and for the peace and quiet of our louyng Subiectes of the same. We haue heretofore by our Letters patentes, vnder our great Seale, appointed cer­ten of our nobilitie and other, to be our Lieutenauntes of Sondry Counties, Cities, and townes in the same letters patents expressed. So haue we thought it requisite & cōuenient to prouide for the surety and preseruation of our Royall personnes. And haue for that purpose reserued the power of the Counties, Cities and Townes hereafter mentioned. The rule and charge whereof we haue thought good to committe vnto you, Whom in that case we haue speciallye appointed, to be attendaunte vpon our sayd persons. Knowe ye therefore that for the grete and singuler trust and confydence, that we haue in your approued fydelitie, wysedome and circumspection. We haue as­signed, made, constituted and ordeyned, and by these presentes doo assigne, make, constitute, and ordeine you to be our lieutenaunt within our counties of Buckinghā, Bedford, Huntington, Cambrydge, Midd. Oxenforde, Berk. Wigorn, Hereforde, Gloucester, Monmouth, Northampton Rutlande, Leiceter, Warwicke, Hertforde, Brecknocke, Glamorgan, Radnoure, Carmarthen, Pembrocke, Cardigan, Denbighe, Moūtgomery, Flint, Carnaruon, Anglesey and Merioneth, the Isle of Elie, the Cities of London, Gloucester, Bristoll, Couentre, and the towne of Ha­uerford west, and the counties of them, and euerye of them aswell within liberties as withoute, and by these presentes doo geue full power and aucthoritie vnto you, that ye from tyme to tyme, may leuye, gather and call together al and singuler our Subiectes of what degre, estate, or digni­tie they or any of them ben dwelling or inhabitinge within oure sayde Counties, Isle, Cities, and towne, or in any of them, aswell within liberties as withoute, mete and apte for the wartes. And them to trye arraye, and put in redines, and them also, and euery of them after their liabilities, degrees, and faculties, well and sufficiently to cause to be armed, and sufficiently weaponed. And to take the musters of them from tyme to time, in places most mete for that purpose, after youre good discretion. And also the same our Subiectes soo arrayed, tryed, and armed aswelmen of armes, as other horsemen, Archers, and fotemen of al kyndes of degrees mete and apte for the warres, to leade and conducte aswell agaynst al and singuler our enemies. As also agaynst al and singuler rebels traytoures, and other offenders, and there adherentes agaynst vs, our Crowne, and digny­tie, within oure sayd Counties, Isle, Cities, and towne, or any of them, from tyme to tyme, as of­ten as nede shall requyre, by your discresion. And with the sayd euemies, rebells and traycoures, to light, and them to inuade, resist, represse▪ subdue, slea▪ kyll and put to execution of deathe, by all wayes and meanes, by youre saide good discretion. And to doo fulfyll and execute all and singuler other thynges, whych shalbe requysyte for the leuying and gouernement of our said subiectes, conseruation of our person and peace, so by you in four me aforesayd leuied and to be ledde.

AND further to doo execute and vse agaynste the sayd enemies, traytours, rebells, and suche other lyke offendours, and theire adherentes, as necessytye shall requyre by youre dyscretion, the lawe called the marshall lawe, according to the lawe marshal, and of such offendours appreheded and being brought in subiection, to saue whome ye shall thinke good to be saued, and to slea dys­troy [Page] [Page]and put to execution of death, such and asmany of them, as ye shall think: mete by your good discretion to be put to death.

AND further our will and pleasure is, and by these presentes do geue ful power and auctho­titie vnto you, that in case any inuation of enemies, insurrections, rebellion, riottes, routes or in­lawefull assembles, or any like offences, shall happen to be moned in any place of this our realme, out of the lymittes of this oure commission. That then and as often as ye shal perceyue anye suche misdemeanor to aryse, you with al the power ye can make, shal with all diligence repayre to the place where any such inuasion, vnlawfull assembles, or insurrections shall happen to be made, to subdue, represse, and reforme the same aswell by battayle and other kynd of force, as otherwise by the lawes of oure Realme, and the lawe marshall, according to your discresion.

AND further we geue you full power and aucthoritie for the executing of this our commission, to appoint and assigne within the said counties, Isle, Cities, and Towne, and euery of them, a prouost marshall to vse and exercise that offyce in suche cases as ye shal thinke requisite, to vse the foresayd lawe marshall.

WHEREFORE we wyl and lykewyse commaund you our sayde lieutenaunte, that w t al dylygence ye do execute the premisses with effecte. And further we wyl and commaund al and singuler our Iustices of peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, Hedboroughs, officers ministers and al other our subiects, mete and apte for the warres, within our sayde counties, Isle, Cyties, and Towne and euery of them, to whom it shall appertayne, that they and euery of them with their power and seruauntes, from tyme to tyme shalbe attendaunt aydinge, assistinge, counsellynge, helpyng, and at your commaundement in the due execution hereof, as they and euery of them tendre our pleasure, and wyll answere for the contrary at their vttermost perylls. And fur­ther our pleasure is, that whatsoeuer ye shall do by vertue of this our commission, & accordyng to the tenure and effecte of the same touchyng the execution of the premisses, or anye part thereof, ye shalbe dyscharged in that behalfe agaynst vs, and the heires and successours of vs the Quene. In wytnes wherof, we haue caused these our Letters to be made Patentes, and to contynue during oure pleasure. Wytnes our selfes at Grenewiche the .xii. day of Apryll, the sourth and fyfte yeares of our reygnes.

God saue the Kynge and the Quene.

EXCVSVM LONDINI IN AEDIBVS Iohannis Cavvodi, Tipographi Regiae Maiestatis. Anno. M.D.LVIII

Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.

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