By the Kynge and the Quene
WHERE AS THE Quenes Maiestye at the ouerture and begynnynge of the warres wyth Fraunce, did by her hyghenes proclamation, warne her louynge subiectes to forbeare all trafficque, and contracting wyth anye of the Frenche nation, durynge the sayde warres: For asmuche as her hyghenes is geuen to vnderstande that (the former proclamations notwythstandyng) dyuerse and sundrye of her subiectes do neuerthelesse by indirecte meanes bryng into thys Realme, sundrye kyndes of marchandize, cummynge from the countrye of the ennemye, and namely wynes: her Maiestye therefore by thys her presente proclamation, strayghtlye chargeth and commaundeth, that from the .xx. daye of Apryll next ensuinge, no wynes growen or made wythin y e frenche kynges dominyons, other then such wynes as shall be taken from the ennemye as lawefull pryse, be broughte in to thys Realme, without her hyghnes speciall lycence, vppon payne of losse and forfeiture to her highnes vse of the sayd wynes so brought in. and imprisonmente, and fynes of the owners of such wynes at her hyghnes pleasure.
And where her hyghnes doth further vnderstande, that diuers quantities of wynes aforesayde, are alredy brought into sundrye portes and hauens of thys Realme, her maiestie doth also streightly charge and commaund, that the parties which haue brought in or caused to be brought in the sayd wynes, do not in anye wyse vent, or putte the same to sale, onlesse the same haue ben taken from the enemye, as lawefull pryse, before they shall haue vnderstanden her highnes further ordre concernyng the same, vpon lyke payne & forfeyture to her highnes vse, as afore. Dated the thyrty of March, at her maiesties manor of Grenewich.
God saue the kynge and the Quene.
EXCVSVM LONDINI IN AEDIBVS IOhannis Cavvodi Tipographi regiae maiestatis.
Anno. M. D. LVIII.
Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.