By the Kynge and the Queene.
THERE as the Queenes hyghnes is infourmed that dyuers and sondry euyll disposed personnes shipmaysters, mariners, and sea faringe men, latelye prested and reteyned to serue in her maiestyes Nauy of shyppes, presently prepared and set forth to the Seas, aswell for the defence of her graces Realmes and dominions as also for the better annoyaunce and empechemente of the enemye, haue withoute anye iust cause and sufficient pasporte and lycence obteyned of the lorde Admy rall, or vyceadmyrall of the flete in that behalfe appoynted, contrary to their duetyes of obedience and seruyce, due by good subiectes, with drawen them selfes from the sayde seruyce, both to the greate detriment of her Maiesties affayres, and to the euyll example of other her highnes subiectes, nowe seruynge and placed alreadye, and appoynted in the sayde Nauy. Her hyghnes therefore myndynge that the sayd offenders, vsyng and practysyng such deceyte and fraud shuld not escape vnponished, and that also by this example of ponyshment, al other persons so reteined or to be reteyned to serue on the Seas, may take suffycyent admonition and warnyng howe to auoyde the daunger of suche offence, and to preuent the peryll whych myght ensue throughe the lacke of their duetyes to be by them admynistred in thys behalfe, doth by thys her hyghnes proclamation expressly & strayghtlye forbyd, that no person or persons hereafter, by any coloure▪ fraude, or deceite do attempte vpon payne of death, to with drawe him or themselfes from her graces sayd seruyce, without a sufficient pasporte, signed by the hand of the Lorde Admyral, or of the sayde vyceadmyrall of the flete, wherein he or they shalbe soo appoynted to serue.
And further moste straightly chargeth and commaundeth all Iustices of peace, Maiors, Sheryffes, Bailyffes, Constables, Hedborrowes, and al other her hyghnes officers, many sters. and subiectes, to whome auethoritye is commytted for th execution of lawes, and for the good gouernaunce and order of the people, to apprehend and commyt to warde euery such shypmaister, maryner, or sea faring man, which at any tyme sithens he was prested, or that from the time the same shalbe hereafter prested, hath or shal commyt offence contrary to the tenure of thys proclamation, whersoeuer the same person or persons shal happen to be founde, in anye Citye, Towne, Borroughe, Vyllage, or other place wythin thys her Maiestyes Realme, there to remayne wythoute bayle or maynepryce, vntyll the Lorde Admyral being certifyed therof, do geue order for his or theyr enlargemēt or cōtinuaunce in pryson as to hys discression shall seme conuenyent. And for asmuche as thys seruyce on the Seas shal much conduct to the furtheraunce of the honor, and seruice of the Realme, whyche euerye good Subiecte oweth to render, and to hys vttermoste power accordyng to hys degree and vocation, to aduaunce and sette forthe.
Her hyghnes oftsones willeth and requyreth al iustices of peace. Maiors, Sherifes, and other the sayde offycers, that they do attend to the diligent and carefull execution of the premysses, as they and euery of them tendre her maiesties fauour, and wil answer for the contrarye at his or their extreme perills.
Geuen at Grenewich the. xxix day of March.
God saue the Kynge and the Quene.