By the kynge and the Quene,
WHeras the king & Quenes Maiesties heretofore cōmaunded & caused certaine monies to be coynned and sent into the realme of Irelande for the seruyce and vse of the sayd realme for as muche as percell of the sayde monyes, called rose pence are retourned and receaued out of the sayd realme into this realme of Englande, and contrarye to the determynation and mynd of their Maiesties are presētlye vttered and do passe amonges the subiectes of thys realme as lawfull curraunt monye of the same realme of England. Their sayde Maiesties not myndyng to haue their louynge subiectes of thys sayd realme of Englande to be deceyued with the sayd mony called rose pence, do wyll and commaunde that all rose pence, shall from the daye of thys proclamation be no more receyued nor taken for lawefull or curraunt monye, within thys their realme of Englande, or any other their domynyons excepte wythin the sayde Realme of Irelande, In whyche realme onely as it was orygynallye entended, their sayde Maiestyes wyll, the same shall be curraunt among theyr subiectes there. The,. xix. daye of September.
God saue the kynge and the Queene.
Excusum Londini in aedibus Ioannis Cawodi Tipographi Regiae Maiestatis Anno M. D. L. VI. Cum priuilegio.