By the kynge and the Quene,

WHere as by the Statute made in the seconde yeare of kynge Henry the fourth, concernyng the repressing of here sies, ther is ordeyned and prouided a great punyshment, not onely for the aucthors, makers, and wryters of bookes, conteynynge wycked doctryne, and erronious and hereticall opinions, con­trarye to the catholyque fayth, and determination of the holy churche, and lykewyse for theyr fautours and supporters, but also for suche as shall haue or kepe any suche bokes, or wrytin­ges, and not make deliuerie of them to the Ordinarie of the dioces or his ministers within a certayne tyme limited in the sayde Statute, as by the sayd Statute more at lardge it doth appeare. Which act or statute being by auctoritie of parliament of late reuiued, was also openly proclamed, to thintent the subiectes of the Realme vpon such proclamation should the rather eschue the daunger and penaltye of the sayde Statute, and as yet neuerthelesse, in most partes of the realme, the same is neglected, and lytle regarded.

The kyng and quene, our soueraygne Lord and Lady therfore, most entierly, and earne­stly tendering the preseruation, and saulfty, aswel of the soules, as of the bodyes, landes, and substaunce of al theyr good and louyng subiectes, and others, and mindyng to roote out, and extinguysh al false doctrine and heresies, and other occasions of scismes, diuisions, and sectes that come by the same heresyes and false doctryne, straytly charge, and commaunde, that no person or persons, of what estate, degree, or condicion soeuer he or they be, from henceforth presume to brynge or conueye, or cause to be brought or conueyed into this realme, any boo­kes, wrytynges, or workes, hereafter mencioned: that is to saye, any boke or bookes, writin­ges, or workes, made or set forth by, or in the name of Martyn Luther or any boke or bokes wrytynges, or workes, made or sette forth by, or in the name of Oecolampadius, Swinglius Iohn Caluyne, Pomerane, Iohn Alasco, Bullynger, Bucer, Melancthon, Barnardinus Ochinus, Erasmus Sarcerius, Peter Martyr, Hughe Latymer, Robert Barnes, other­wyse called freere Barnes. Iohn Bale, otherwyse called freer Bale, Iustus Ionas, Iohn Hoper, Myles Couerdale, Wyllyam Tyndale, Thomas Cranmer late Archebyshop of Cā terbury, Wyllyam Turner, Theodore Basyll, otherwyse called Thomas Beacon, Iohn Fryth, Roy, and the boke commonly called Halles Cronycles, or anye of them, in the latyne tongue, Duche tongue, Englyshe tongue, Italyan tongue, or Frenche tongue, or any other lyke boke, paper, wrytynge, or worke, made, prynted, or set forth, by any other person or per­sons, conteynynge false doctryne, contrarye, and agaynste the catholique fayth, and the do­ctryne of the catholyque Churche.

And also that no person or persones, presume to wryte, prynt, vtter, sell, reade, or kepe or cause to be wrytten, prynted, vttered rede, or kept any of the sayde bookes, papers, wor­kes or wrytinges, or any booke, or bookes, wrytten or prynted in the Latyne or Englyshe tounge, concernyng the common seruyce and mynystration, set forth in englyshe, to be vsed in the churches, of this realme, in the tyme of Kyng Edwarde the sixt, commonly called the communion booke, or bookes, of common seruyce and orderyng of ministers, otherwyse cal­led the booke set forth by aucthoritie of parliament, for common prayer and admynystratiō of the Sacramentes, to be vsed in the mother toungue, within the churche of Englande, [Page] [Page] but shall wythin the space of fiftene dayes nexte after the publication of this proclamation, b [...]yng, or deliuer, or cause the sayd bookes wrytinges, and workes, and euerye of them re­mayning in their custodies and keping, to be brought and deliuered to thordinarye of the dioces, where such bookes, workes, or wrytinges, be or remayne, or to his Chauncelloure or Commyssaryes, wythout fraude collour or deceypte, at the sayde Ordinaryes will, and disposition, to be burnte, or otherwyse to be vsed or ordered by the sayd Ordinaryes, as by the Canons and spirituall lawes, it is in that case lymytted and appoynted, vpon payne y e euery offendour contrary to this proclamation, shal incurre the daunger and penalties con­teyned in the sayd Statute, and as they wyll auoyde their maiesties high indignation and displeasure, and further aunswere at their vttermost periles. And their maiesties by thys proclamation, geueth full power and aucthoritie to all Bisshoppes and Ordinaries, & all Iustices of peace Maiors, Sheriffes, Baylyffes of cities, and townes corporate, and other hedde officers within this realme and the dominions therof, and expresselie commaundeth and willeth the same, and euery of them, that they and euery of them within their seueral ly­mytes and iurisdictions, shal in the defaulte and necligence of the sayde subiectes, after the sayd fiftene dayes expyred, enquire and search out the sayd bookes, wrytinges, and workes and for this purpose entre into the house or houses, closettes, and secretes places of euerye person of whatsoeuer degre, being negligent in this behalfe, and suspected to kepe any such booke, writing, or workes, contrary to this proclamation. And that the sayd Iustices Mai­ors, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, and other head officers aboue specified, and euery of them within their sayd lymytes and iurisdictions, fyndyng any of the sayd subiects negligent and faultie in this behalfe, shall commytte euery such offendour towarde, there to remayne wythoute bayle or mayne pryse, tyll the same offendour or offendours haue receaued such punyshmēt as the sayd statute doth lymytte and appoynte in this behalfe. Geuen vnder our Signes Manuell, at our honour of Hampton courte, the .xiii. day of Iune, the first & second yeares of our reygnes.

God saue the Kynge and the Queene

Excusum Londiniin aedibus Iohannis Cawodi Typographi Regi e Maiestatis. Anno. M.D.LV.

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