By the Quene,

THe Quenes highnes by thaduise and consente of her gra­ces priuye Counsaylis pleased & doth ordayne, that from the date and publication hereof forwardes, all maner Frenche crownes of the Sunne, beynge of the iuste stan­derde finesse and weyght shalbe demed and accepted to be of the value of sixe shyllynges foure pence of curraunte moneye of thys Realme, and all maner of crownes of the Emperours coigne, being of the iuste standerde fines and weyght, shalbe demed and accepted to be of the value of syxe shillynges foure pence, of cur­raunte moneye of thys Realme. Euerye double ducket of Spayne with two faces, beyng of the iuste standerde fines & weyght, shalbe demed and accepted to be of the value of thyrtene shillynges foure pence of curraunt money of thys Realme. Euery single ducket of Spayne with two faces, beynge of the iust standerde fines and weyght, shalbe demed and accepted to be of the value of sixe shillinges eyght pence of curraunt money of thys Realme. Euery double royall of plate syluer of the Spaynishe coigne, beynge of the iuste standerde fines and weyghte, shalbe demed and accepted to be of the value of thyrtene pence, of curraunte mo­neye of this Realme. Euery royall of plate of the Spaynishe coigne, beynge of the iuste stan­derde fines and weyght, shalbe demed and accepted to be of the value of sixe pence halfpen­nye, of the curraunte money of thys Realme. And euery halfe royall of plate of the Spa­nishe coigne beinge of the iuste standerde fines and weyght, shalbe demed and accepted to be of the value of thre pence farthynge, of curraunte money of thys Realme. And that euery of the sayde seuerall coignes aboue mentioned, beynge of the iuste weyght and fines accor­dynge to the standerde of the same, shall commonlye bee payed and receyued throughe out this her highnes realme and other her graces dominions in al paymentes and receptes, for and after the rates and values before in thys proclamation expressed and declared,

Streightly chargyng and cōmaundyng al, and singular her highnes subiectes and others, dwellyng, conuersyng or traffecking within the sayed her graces realme & dominions, that they and euery of them obserue, fulfyl, and execute theffecte, and tenour of thys present Proclamation, vpon payne that whoso disobeieth or refuseth so to doe, beyng by due profe ther­of detected, shall fuffre imprisonment, and further punishment at her highnes pleasure.

God saue the Queene.

Londini in aedibus Iohannis Cawodi Typographi Reginae Mariae excusum. Anno. M. D. L. IIII. 4. die mensis Maij.

Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.

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