By the Quene.
MAry by the grace of God Quene of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, defender of the fayth, & of the church of England and also of Ireland in earth the supreme heade.
To all Mayres. Shiriffes, Bayliffes, Constables, & to all other our officers ministers & subiectes, and to euery of thē gretynge. Where by reason of our abyding here at our pallace of Westmynster, aswell for our coronation, as for this oure present parliament and terme, great resort of our nobles, and other of our subiectes haue repayred hyther to oure cities of London and Westminster, & there haue taryed, & yet styll do remayne, by occasion wherof such byllets, fagottes, talewoodes, and other fewels as were prouyded, and brought to the sayd cities for theyr prouision, are greatly wasted and consumed, where by the same our cities, and the Suburbes of the same are lyke to lack sufficient and compotent store therof, for their furniture for this present wynter, as we be enfourmed by the heades and gouernours of the same our cities. We myndyng the present reliefe of the same want, and lacke of fewell, do strayghtly charge and commaund all and synguler our louynge Subiectes, whiche haue any maner of talewood, byllettes, fagottes, or other fewell whatsoeuer, cut downe, felled, and made, or to be made readye to be caryed, that they and euerye of them, with all conuenient spede, do brynge, and cause to be brought to our sayd cities and suburbes of the same all and synguler the same talewode, byllets, fagottes, and other fewell.
And further we wyll, and by these presentes do geue lycence to all and euery our sayd subiects, whiche shall brynge any of the sayd fewell to our sayd cities or the suburbes of the same, that they and euery of them shall, and may, franckly, and frely, vtter, sell, and put to sale the same fewell, and euery part thereof, to our sayde nobelles and Subiectes, at reasonable and compotente pryces, without impechement, or incurrynge of any for fayture, losse, payne, or penaltye, conteyned in the acte of parliament, made for the assyse of wood, the fyrst day of March, in the .vii. yeare of y e reigne of our deare brother, kynge Edwarde the Sixt, for, or by reason, that the same fewell, or any percell therof shall fortune to lacke or want any parte of the iuste assyse or proportion whiche it ought to beare and kepe, by vertue of the sayde acte, any thynge in the same acte conteyned to the contrary, notwithstandynge. ¶ In witnes wherof, we haue caused this our present letters of licence and proclamation to be made patentes. Wytnes our selfe at Westminster, the .xx. day of Nouember, the fyrste yeare of our reygne.
God saue the Quene.
Londini in aedibus Iohannis Cawodi
Typographi Reginae excusum.
Anno. M D. LIII.
Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum